Posting your photos the GHQ forum

This is a general forum for all types of posts related to HO Scale models.

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Posting your photos the GHQ forum

Post by GHQ »

Over the years we have had several people ask us how to put photos into their posts on our forum. It is not the most obvious process, but it isn't hard to do. Our forum can only link to photos that are already on the internet, not just on your personal computer. You can link to your own webpage. If you don't have a webpage, there are free websites that store albums of photos, and assign an internet address to each photo. Our web forum then links to the internet (url) address, and your picture appears at the forum.

There are several of these free online gallery services. Among the most user-friendly is:

click "Join Now" and fill out the form. Once you have an account, you log on using your "User name" and "password" - if you click the "Remember me" button, your computer will remember the password for you.

Follow the instructions to upload your images from your computer to Photobucket.

It will be easiest to get that photos over to the forum if you have the 2 internet sites open at once - Photobucket, and the GHQ Forum.

Now open the GHQ website
Click any of the buttons to get to Military Models, N scale models, etc.
On the left side, click the "Forums" button
Select your forum, and navigate to where you want to submit a reply and insert your photo.
Click on "Post Reply"
(You do not need to hit the "img" or "url" buttons - ignore them! )

When you are ready to post a picture
return to Photobucket.
Under each photo at Photobucket, there is a box with 4 'addresses' for that photo..
Click on the "IMG Code" button - it will then read "Copied"
Paste this address into GHQ forum box
A whole mess of computer code language will appear in your post - NOT your picture!

Finish preparing the forum post, typing or adding other photos. To see what it will look like, scroll down to the bottom and hit "Preview"

If you like it, great! Hit "Submit" and your post will be on the forum, with your photos! If not, edit your post in the white box, and then "Preview" again.

It sounds like a lot of work, but once you are used to it, it goes very quickly.

As always, thanks for being one of our much-valued registered forum users.

Thank you for your support,

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