Canada (Imagi-Nation)

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Post by MechCommander »

The Unified Canadian Goverment wishs all Canadians a very Merry Christmas and a happy new year.

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Post by chrisswim »

chrisswim wrote:CoC is alarmed, by this message.
CoC systems did not detect any ICBM launch by any one. Data, system, trajectory evaluation indicated that all systems were working properly, Not one system detected an ICBM launch or flight.
Did any other country detect an ICBM launch and/or flight?
Is Canada trying a slight of hand to push blame on a country, perhaps even CoC? Our radar station did detect an extremely high altitude SAM, which could have been the SM-3 launch that went into the stratosphere and then apparently running out of fuel fell to the earth landing in the ocean between Greenland and Nova Scotia. Could this be the same occurrence?
CoC SSGN Lewis has detected North Korean SSN Romeo 5 east of Japan, heading east by northeast. The SSGN Lewis is trailing Romeo 5. Could it be Romeo 5 is heading toward Canada or the Canadian fleet that left the area of the Java Sea two days ago?
. The SSGN Bancroft detected and is following NK SSN Romeo 3 east of the Philippines, it is ahead of the Canadian Task force. It is suspected that the Evil Empire or China may be feeding info to North Korea?
. CoC Naval HQ receives secure messages from these two SSGNs. Discussion on this information will take place.

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Post by MechCommander »

The RCN fleets have made it back into Canadian Waters but before they entered the port of Vancouver a CP-140 Auroa spotted what looks like a North Korean sub trying to enter the port by trailing the fleet the Auroa ordered the fleet to take defensive action as the Auroa begans to drop depth Charges trying to discourage the sub from entering while two destroyers HMCS Terra Nova and the HMCS Iroquois has exited out of the Harbor and ploted an intercept course to capture the Sub.

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Post by chrisswim »

Romeo 5 just reached a distance of 380 miles south of Wake Island. 12 knots is a bit slower than 22-26 knots for surface ships. Romeo 3 is 217 miles east by south-east of Wake.

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Post by MechCommander »

Meanwhile on board the HMCS Grande Prairie "sir North Korean subs spotted off our stern there following the fleet".

"North Korea again? Radio the destroyers in the fleet to intercept those subs, Call the Carrier Sliver Dart to Launch her fighters and CS-2 Trackers to provide air cover for the fleet. the last thing I want is to see is another Canadian ship sunk".

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Post by chrisswim »

2400 miles from Wake Island to Hawaii Islands. At 12 knots, under 200 hours for a sub. Ships in 75 - 90 hours. Wake to Vancouver is about 7000 miles.
Wake is controlled by US Army and US Air Force.

Sub change direction to a westward direction. About 2000 miles to Tokyo.

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Post by MechCommander »

"The North Korean subs are turning away heading to Japan"

"I guess it was pointless for those subs to travel to Canada but for now let's get home".

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Post by MechCommander »

This is UCBC news the National reporting tonight Dale Mansbridge. "Good Evening the RCMP has been guarding the ROD buildings in Ottawa and Vancouver for weeks since the ambassador left the country due the incident onboard the carrier Fury. the Canadian Goverment is doing what they can to restore relations between Canada and the small island nation, though some local newspaper outlets and social media has keeped referring them as "Dalaminadom" due to there relations with the CofC".

"Meanwhile the Royal Canadian Navy will resume operations in the Pacific to protect our New Zealand and Australian allies from threats from the euraisan empire, but it's doubtfull if they will support the ROD fleet during the crisis in the Indian Ocean.

"In other news preparations are being made for the Unified Canadian Goverments new Cannabis Ban that will come into full effect in the new year. the first is the closures of all the Cannabis stores in the country, Any unsold products will be taken to a undisclosed location to be destoryed, the desision is still up in the air for what to do with medical Marijuana".

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Post by chrisswim »

So the media and social media have kept up the insults of ROD, to ROD. ROD might be a small island nation, but it’s GDP is 78% of Canada with 6% of land mass, 61% of population. Per capitia income is 38% higher, standard of living is better.
. Their military has a higher level of proficiency, Army, Air Force and Navy. Training is conducted by professionals, maintain high standards.
. However, in Canada, fishing is phenomenal, big game hunting is magnificent.
The CoC would like 12 charter trips for 2 dozen people each split evenly with half fishing and other half hunting in Feb and March. Would you recommend a travel agency to set this up?

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Post by MechCommander »

I'm sure you must understand that us Canadians felt very betrayed by the RODs decision that sent a whole RCN fighter squadron to a watery grave.

As for the CofC's request to have there travel agency to setup charter flights to Canada, that is unfortunately denied.

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Post by chrisswim »

Dang, I was hopping to get some fishing in, be a good tourist.

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Post by chrisswim »

Dang, I was hopping to get some fishing in, be a good tourist.

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Post by MechCommander »

A RCN CP-140 Aurora has Spotted the Imperial Carrier Veres on a direct course for Canada the Navy Squadron that exited Vancouver just hours ago has been ordered to alter course to intercept the carrier, the Cargo ship Jasper Park made a emergency trip back to Vancouver, meanwhile a couple Squadrons of CF-14s and CF-18s from CFB Cold Lake has taken off with a pair of CC-137 Husky refueling tankers in order to deal with any fighters the Veres may carry. Image

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Post by MechCommander »

in the briefing room onboard the Escort Carrier Nabob.

(RCN Operations): "OK pilots heres the sit rep the Imperial Carrier Veres along with her escorts are steaming near Alaska , our orders are is to intercept the fleet and hopefully force them to withdraw from the north pacific".

(RCN Pilot): "And how are going to achieve this eh? where going up aginest MIG-29Ks with F-4F Wildcats what good can we do, wheres our CF-14s and CF-18s?"

(RCN Operations): "Unfortunately the HMCS Sliver Dart the Illustrious carrier that can launch those jets has suffered a major mechanical failure with its steam catapults it would take weeks to fix that, however a couple squadrons of those jets has taken off from CFB Cold Lake and will come to this squadrons aid but it will be awhile before they get here, so you just gonna have to make do what we have, if you guys can damage the Veres's catapults they can't launch there jets ether thus making her vulnerable to surface attack".

(RCN Pilot): "What about the ROD fleet they got two carrier squadrons out already protecting there island?"

(RCN Operations): "Don't expect help from them anytime soon since the incident on the Fury as where not welcome on there ships anymore".

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Post by chrisswim »

The Commonwealth crew enjoyed the celebration for New Year's Eve in Vancouver, BC, Canada. We did have a crew of two go ashore using a submersible and going to the dock. They did enjoy it, but they did leave just after the new year.
Great fun, thank you.

One of our SSGN submarines took pictures News Years Eve. Now that we have publish/posted on social media 30 hours after the big party in Vancouver, BC.
From Vancouver television.

From the SSGN Clark:

The Capital


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