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Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2005 9:53 pm
by 8ball
I looked at them Dave. Very nice stuff. It's the first time I've seen pics of WWI.

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 9:23 am
by baineblade
I know these are nowhere near as good as the many others out there but I am happy with them.

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 6:42 am
by HMSDiomede
Finally, have digital camera, will shoot! Here is part of the Soviet 18th Tank Regiment (1:platoon scale) with Lend-Lease M4A2 Shermans and Valentine Mk.IX on the move.


The camera is a 5-year old HP215 and I am still learning how to make it work, but here goes.


Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 7:35 am
by HMSDiomede
Hey, I figured out what that "macro AF" button does!


I know it's still not nearly as good as most of what other folks have posted, but I'm still figuring out what this thing does.....


Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 4:26 pm
by pushbike
Sherman with Crop gulley Terrain Maker hex.


Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 4:50 pm
by raffraff
Hello, What do U think about this?


Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 8:28 pm
by tstockton
Gentlemen -- and I won't list names for fear of clumsily omitting someone --

What I am seeing is really, really neat for a multitude of reasons:

(1) I'm seeing some VERY well done models! And in seeing those, I continue to not only be both impressed and visually pleased, I think to myself "How can I duplicate this?" So I read the notes here and elsewhere... I practice... I critique my work... and I become a better modeler myself.

(2) I am also seeing some very good terrain -- ditto on note above. It kind of hit me this morning... I think that some of the terrain I've seen (both Terrain Maker and "tiles" in various sizes), in it's own way and a much smaller scale, rivals some of the dioramas I've seen in various modeling magazines or live a shows, etc. And to think we have the ability at hand to do an entire battlefield in diorama-quality scenery, and populate it with diorama-qualtity models... didn't someone mention the "WOW!" factor?

(3) I'm seeing more and more of us share our work with each other. I'm a relative "newbie" here, so the fact that I'm seeing works from "all over the place", presented for our combined "viewing pleasure" -- it's kind of like sitting down with a modeling magazine devoted to our specific genre -- micro armor! (There's that "WOW!" factor again!)

Hopefully, this trend will continue... I plan to post more of my own pictures, as my skills improve -- and I get more micro armor and terrain finished and photographed.

Thanks to all for sharing your efforts -- keep up the good work!

Tom Stockton

p.s. -- I also enjoy the information I've received via this message board, such as painting and modeling tips, discussions on gaming with Micro Armor, looks at their "real world" counterparts, etc., etc., etc..

Nice jobs all around!

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 5:34 am
by David F
I am seeing some really nice work on all efforts! :D I like this thread. It lets us all share our hard work especially when we only have a local buddy or two previuosly. Keep posting guys! :D


Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 6:27 am
by Hetzen
I've been lurking here for a while, and have got to say that the stuff people are up to is top notch.


What product do you use for that ground cover. I love the fact it has a real un-kept high summer grass look about it.

Also, have you contoured all of your hexes? What tips could you give me.


Test Image

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 7:42 am
by Mage Knight Kevin

WWII Micro Armor Images

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 7:46 am
by Mage Knight Kevin

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 7:47 am
by tstockton

I am still dabbling around with "sub-level" terrain. I'm in the midst of an experiment -- taking notes and pictures as I go. If it's successful, I'll post my notes and pictures on my website. So far, it's going pretty well. I'm down to the "proof of the pudding" stage -- if and when I can find the time to carry it out! (Now, if I could just win the lottery, so I wouldn't have to do this "work" thing... I'd have more time available! :lol: )

As for raised terrain -- GHQ's Terrain Maker system notes while making stream / river hexes, to save the pieces you cut out to make your river... turn them over... and glue them to a standard hex, thus making a ridge hex. These acutally work very well, but I've gone "a step further". I will take one of the cut-out "ridge" pieces and "round off" the end -- thus making an "end" to a ridge. And if you take a piece and round both ends -- you've made a small hill.


I'm not sure how well this hex photographed (to more fully "see" the rise, I should have photographed a "bug's eye" view) -- but this is a small hill hex, made by taking the "waste" piece from the top level of a river hex (1/4"), flipping it over, rounded off both ends so the piece would fit on a single hex, added some water putty to smooth the rise into the base hex, then painted and landscaped as per any other hex. I decided to make this a "mini-forest". Almost all of the scenic materials on this hex are from the GHQ line; TMA3 Grass for the base, a mix of TMA5 Medium Green, TMA6 Pale Green and TMA7 Dark Green Vegetation for the "small bushes" (the "big bushes" are Woodland Scenic's Foam Clusters), and trees made using GHQ's methods with TMA1 Dark Green trees (the deciduous trees are flocked with the Medium Green).

I am slowly expanding my Terrain Maker page -- ... _maker.htm

and when I update the page, I'll post a note here on the message board.

Hope this helps!!

Tom Stockton

Re: WWII Micro Armor Images

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 10:23 am
by Mage Knight Kevin
cama wrote:You know, I am in Red Deer, and you being in Edmonton, do you know Bob B.? Grant

Ya, I'm a member of Bob's Tuesday night group. We were looking for you at MayDay! MayDay!, but we didn't see you there. I'd love to play some micro armor the next time you're up this way. Anyway, thanks for the kind words. You know, I still can't get the images on your micro armor site to show up. :?

Why don't you post a couple more pictures of your stuff here? You've got some really cool items in your collection...and for those of us who can't see everything on your site, we could benefit from another look.


Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 10:58 am
by Mk 1
We gotta keep this thread going forever. Major league eye-candy going on here! :D

Truly inspirational. Excellent work -- kudos to all!

And ... um ... dare I say it?

Please sir, may I have some MORE?