The Commonwealth of Chrisdom

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Re: The Commonwealth of Chrisdom

Post by chrisswim »

A member of the Commonwealth of Chrisdom, Tunisadom has had a swimmer win their second swimming Olympic Gold medal, in the 400 m. Free.

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Re: The Commonwealth of Chrisdom

Post by chrisswim »

Mediterranean Sea
. Navigational alerts have gone out to be aware of the naval war games to civilian traffic.
The CoC Mediterranean Naval Commander contact ROD Carrier Group 6 Commander for series of wargame training.
In this instance, a few ships size of LCS, or Corvettes armed with anti-ship missiles and guns are attacking ROD-CG6.
3 of the larger ships lead 3 groups in, the smaller Pegasus and Hercules patrol boats moving fast in attack profile (not using the Harpoon long range missiles)utilizing Penquin anti ship missiles 15-20 miles range. Hiding among some islands in and around Corsica and Sardinia, the attack boats pop out at high speed traveling a couple of miles, targeting, then firing missiles. Some of the attack boats are destroyed by gun fire from FFG and DDGs. Other SH-60/MH-60 get into an automatic weapon fire fight. Attack aircraft fire Maverick missiles at the patrol boats, some SAMs fired at the F/A-18. Both taking causalities. The AH-1W are firing Hellfire missiles and the 20mm guilting gun, destroying several. The Hercules 76mm knocking down a couple of Super Cobras. After 3 hours of simulated conflict the engagement ends.
Several group commanders and evaluators fly to the CVN to meet, debrief to evaluated the engagement on a preliminary basis.
More engagements planned over the next day and night engagement.

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Re: The Commonwealth of Chrisdom

Post by chrisswim »

Commonwealth Boxers parked, accumulation of equipment and personnel in the western coastal areas near ports.




Training on the gunnery range


Balzac vehicles training in Greenlanddom.



Estonia on the gun range.





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Re: The Commonwealth of Chrisdom

Post by redleg »

The CoC is always down for a fight with the ROD! The ROD ships counterattack and the carrier Tempest launches her aircraft to battle our wily foe. The ROD commander uses the battle to press the aircraft and flight deck crews. This is a great opportunity to test them - the aircraft are constantly in the air and the flight deck crew is hustling. Launch aircraft, then recover them, refuel, download Harpoons, upload JDAMs, launch. Aerial refueling is off limits - everything happens on the ship. Recover the aircraft, refuel, download Sidewinders, upload AMRAAMs, launch.

The Medical and Safety departments are monitoring the pilots and crew closely to reduce the chance of accidents, but the admiral is pushing them hard.

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Re: The Commonwealth of Chrisdom

Post by chrisswim »

Attack ROD CG -6
Attack Group lead by DDH (helo carrier) and CVL Invincible-class, each with just over a dozen F-35 and a few Sea Kings or SH-60s, head east near the African coast. Escorts are DDGs, and FFGs. There are UCAV-47 S (stealth) to target the ROD group in the northern Mediterranean. SSN, 688 class commanding two U/W attack drones and 2 U-214 AIP subs. Coordinate the attack with 28 F-35 and the Pegasus/Hercules attack boats. Sending in virtual anti-ship missiles.

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Re: The Commonwealth of Chrisdom

Post by chrisswim »

Estonia armor training in Greenlanddom, on the advance with 2 up, one back. A company of M1A1.


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Re: The Commonwealth of Chrisdom

Post by chrisswim »

As the ROD Carrier Battle Group 6 heads west, Moroccodom is getting ready to give the BG a wonderful welcome as they exit the Med.
Towed guns, howitzers, tanks, lining up in the area across from Gibraltar. Small attack boats filling their tanks, getting life jackets, RPGs, a few Penguin AS missiles in emplacements for the sail through.

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Re: The Commonwealth of Chrisdom

Post by chrisswim »

Radar Deduction, the aircraft descended altitude. Commonwealth satellite captured the plane flying over Greenlanddom through the protected air space and then flew south of the 74th parallel into NC.

Flying over a commercial area in Greenlanddom

After flying over the Hudson Bay before heading north it flew over NC Army training facility. Then flew northwest through Yukon.


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Re: The Commonwealth of Chrisdom

Post by chrisswim »

Mediterranean Sea
Preparing for a launch from Brit Island in the Med. the shuttle is carrying communication and weather satellites. General Petmus answered an inquiry that there “are not any military satellites on board the Shuttle Monaco. There 3 super communication satellites and two weather satellites for the Atlantic Ocean and 1 for the Indian Ocean.”



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Re: The Commonwealth of Chrisdom

Post by MechCommander »

A pair of CF-18s from a Yukon air Feild took off to intercept the unknown recon aircraft who do a overflight into NC airspace.

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Re: The Commonwealth of Chrisdom

Post by chrisswim »

Hopefully the NC FA-18 will catch up to the Backfire Bomber. If you get an intercept, are you going to shot it down? Or just attain radar lock? Or escort it out?

As the ROD BG-6 approached the Gibraltar channel to the Atlantic which is only 8 miles across. 12 tubes of 122mm, 6 more of 152mm, and 5 130mm opened up on the escorts. 1 gun of each battery was firing smoke for air burst. The escorts were firing back before any of the smoke rounds had detonated. Less the 1/3 of the artillery rounds hit. Fired another barrage 3 rounds each. Hitting a few more. The rapid firing 76mm and 127mm laid some HE on the batteries knocking most of the batteries and crew.
As that was happening, speed boats with small cannons, patrol boats closed on the BG. Firing AS missiles. As some got really close RPGs were simulated. 19 boats were sunk or destroyed. 2 frigates destroyed, a DDG hit numerous times. Tanker on fire and sinking. The CVN was hit a couple of times. Attack boats are being eliminated by aircraft, helicopters and direct fire from the escorts.
11 Skyraiders attacked the CG 6 shot down by SM-3 missiles. Rockets fired, and 17 bombs released. 2 more shot down just prior to flying over the carrier. Of the 17 bombs, 5 hit the carrier. Another Skyraider hit by a SAM trying to leave the area. Fires burning, fire control measures by the crew were diligent, closing down the few remaining compartments of the hanger bay.
Carnage was rampant in this engagement. When and if any ship make it into the open Atlantic Ocean, evaluation will take place.

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Re: The Commonwealth of Chrisdom

Post by MechCommander »

If we do intercept the backfire bomber it will be escorted out of NC Airspace.

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Re: The Commonwealth of Chrisdom

Post by redleg »

Carrier Battle Group 6 throws everything they have into the fight! All of the aircraft are up - some are scouting ahead looking for enemy submarines, some are providing close in support, and some are hitting targets along the coast. Even the old stuff (we call them "legacy squadrons") is getting into the mix - the F-4S and A-6Es are attacking the coastal artillery positions while the F-18s are providing gong after the enemy aircraft and speedboats.

It's a long and brutal fight, but the battle group finally passes through the straight and then ENDEX is called. An after action review is scheduled aboard the Tempest, and that means a flight deck barbecue!

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Re: The Commonwealth of Chrisdom

Post by chrisswim »

Request landing on the Tempest
6 C-2 T
These are the small tanker variants from Balzac Rep loaded with … Avatar Liquid refreshment.

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Re: The Commonwealth of Chrisdom

Post by chrisswim »

“ CFB Edmonton.
A single 10 man squad of Princess Patricas Light Infantry regiment are in the prep stages before departing to the RODs Grunt Week next month. Learning from experience in Night Patrols during the Northwest Cold War with the RPNW. We made the use of mounted Search Lights and underslung flashlights on the soldiers Rifles as standard night patrol gear in a effort to better catch the enemy during night time patrols.”

Dang, NC infantry patrols might catch some CoC reconnaissance/intelligence gathering teams at night.
With those flash lights on we will not have a chance.
“Recall all teams, pick up points and times as planned. 3 subs type U-212/214 and a Franklin Class SSGN en-route. Can’t take a chance that they get detected at night with the upgrades, the flashlights. We can’t have any evidence of our presence conducting covert operations, especially at night.”

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