County Of Tripoli

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County Of Tripoli

Post by captnchuck67 »

Brief History before current events. Questions are more than welcome, out foriegn office is open to all

July 4 1976, The world is fixed on the celebrations in America. Tall ships in New York harbor are shown across the globe. However, over 5,000 miles away in a sleepy Lebonese harbor where the new civil war seems to have calmed down, four ships enter the harbor flying the flag of Italy. All are elderly vessels,2 are small patrol vessels one is a former Corvette the fourth is an American built LST. As the sun rises their colors come down and a flag not seen in these lands in over one hundred years comes flying up the shafts of all four vessels. The flag of the Knights Templar. The LST hits the beach and the bow doors swing open, men and vehicles come streaming out, racing to points predetermined with swiftness only professionals muster. They soon have all the main buildings in hand, one small column swiftly are even seen racing off to Rene Mowad Air Base, to secure the vital airstrip. At the same time word filters through the international press that the Maronite Christians have all but abandoned the South of the country beyond Beirut. A ceasefire between them and the Druze is in place in the North.
The Next day a press conference is held in the main government building in Tripoli, the man speaking claims the centuries old title of Grandmaster of the Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon. He is reclaiming the former lands of the County of Tripoli, sans those lands now held by the nations of Turkey and Syria. His rule is not subject to aLoy law except those given by Rome. He says copies of his charter and Papal Bull will be available for all to have at the end; he has come to reclaim the County to give safe haven to Christians and others alike. The Pope could not sit idly by and watch fellow believers, whether they acknowledged his primacy or not to continue to be mistreated by unbelievers. He then takes questions. His name is Everard de Croan. Who is financing this? The Church and the Templar treasury. Is he taking sides in the fight? No, he will defend his realm though. All are welcome as long as they obey the law. He also adds that in the next several months there will be recruitment offices opening in all good Christian lands and the original rules for joining are still going to be enforced.
For 5 months there is no real test of the new nation until the Syrians decide to try and take the Bekka Valley. They are repulsed three times with heavy losses by the crack troop of the County. The original battalion that was used to secure the nation is slowly used to expand the forces to more modest levels but the core of that battalion remains so the County has a quick, expert reaction force to respond with. Soon they sign a mutual defense pact with the nation of Israel. In 1982 when Israel finally decides to do something about the basic anarchy that has been festering in the remaining part of Lebanon and pushes north the County sends a small force into the country to clear out some of the PLO around Beirut. The Syrians take this as a declaration of war as they had basically been running the country as a client state. The two allies saw this coming and pound the Syrians hard with Israel not taking any territory but the County using this as an excuse to expand to its traditional border, along with it an expansion of its armed forces to cover the new territory.
Modern Day, the county sits stable and not looking to expand territory but will send out force to help if asked not just from Rome or Israel but also from the countries that it has seen the most economic and emigration from-United Kingdom,France and Germany. The Arab Spring did not catch them too much off guard but it did require a call up of part of the reserve to deal with the border issues.

The Real Bill
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Post by The Real Bill »

Hi Chuck, I'm not sure what this is exactly. It kind of sounds like the write up to set the scene for a movie or book. What kind of feedback/questions are you looking for?

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Post by captnchuck67 »

I am starting up my modern Imagi-nation like the rest of you all. That is just the backround before I get into the nuts and bolts of troops and such. Working on my army,Navy and Airforce to post up like the rest of you all.

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Political Relationship with Tripoli

Post by chrisswim »

The Intel Agencies had determine the public announcement of Tripoli becoming a more active State in the World and the local community of nations. The leadership of the Knights Templar is effective and has a plan for military upgrades and capability.
The Commonwealth is delighted to lend a hand of friendship and economy prosperity to Tripoli. We wish to continue the trading that we have done and perhaps improve it where both countries benefit from the relationship.
Tripoli seems to have strong relationship with France and the UK, extremely strong economic ties. Strong ties politically, militarily and commercially. We do not see a strong partnership with the US, Norway, Sweden or the Balzac State. The Commonwealth has strong relationship with the UK, France, Spain, Italy and the US. Libya is an extreme issue of consternation.
We do have a question, where is the LST. There is not a record on the Maritime Inventory of the World's Ships, nor Jane's.
We recommend the the UIN aceept Tripoli as a member immediately, submit and move to to approve the membership of Tripoli to the UIN.

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Post by redleg »

The Republic of Dalmatia requests permission for one of its warships to make a port call at the historic port of Tripoli. The destroyer Trebuchet is currently operating in the Mediterranean and would like to pay the Knights Templar a visit in the name of friendship. We do not have any extra dogs on board, but we will bring a fruit basket.

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Post by captnchuck67 »

The LSt used in 1976 was the former LST-3515. It was left"forgotten" in a scarp yard in the UK. It was appropriated for our use,refurbished in Sicily and is now a semi retired museum ship in Tripoli Harbor.
Your ship as are all nations ships are welcome to call in our ports. We do conciderable Humanitarian work,we are not only fierce warriors but also bringers of charity and hope to those in need. Here is a breif outline of our forces more to be posted soon in the form of AN IISS entry.

Army:1 active armored division(3 Brigades),8 Border/Territorial Infantry Divisions(about 1/3 brigades active at one time),3 independent brigades(1 Para/Air mobile,1 Marine,1 SF)
3 Corp HQ,1 Army HQ(Located at Krac des Chevaliers).
Reserve forces:8 Arm Div HQ,17 Arm BDS,11 Mech Inf BDE,13 Inf BDE,2 Para BDE,1 MTN BDE,7 Arty BDE.

Airforce:Aircraft types known to be operated:Typhoon,Tornado,Alphajet,SEPCAT Jaguar,SuperTucano,Atlantique 2,Lynk Mk4,Puma,Super Puma<Merlin,Sea King

Navy:2 Type 212 SSK,2 type 69 Adviso,1 type 23 Frigate,1 Wasp LHD,2 Kidd DDG,2type 22 Batch 2 FF. Most of the Navy is at 70-80% plus several Missile and inshore craft.

The Knights are the ruling/military arm of the nation. They report directly to the Pope in Rome. They do have a Prelate located in Tripoli to help with the day to day running of the County. The County had a decent relationship with the United states especially after 9/11 and the war on terror until the election of Former President Barack Obama, his administration saw the County as a impediment to peace and stability instead of a partner as former administrations had.

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Post by redleg »

The ROD destroyer Trebuchet is seen here entering Tripoli harbor for a port call. Most ROD warships have a dog on board - the mascot and namesake of the ship. Typically we like to present heads of state with a dog of their own, but since the Trebuchet was already on patrol in the Mediterranean, they don't have an appropriate gift. The ROD would like to make a more forma visit in the near future...perhaps to establish formal diplomatic relations?


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Post by chrisswim »

It appears that Republic of Tripoli is having some issues within their government. Is it the economy. When ROD had a port visit by their DDG, RoT has not been very forth coming. with information.
Wish them the best.

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Post by redleg »

Our crew had a very pleasant port call in Tripoli and we were already picking out curtains for the ROD embassy when we lost contact. We have a small naval battle group headed by the battleship Cerberus in the area so they will be making another port call to check on our friends in Tripoli.

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will be posting more

Post by captnchuck67 »

In about a week, had some real world stuff. Not been very creative. When I do expect some action between the County and our neighbors over their using WMD.

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Post by chrisswim »

WMD use was determined to have occurred. This info leaked out from the Italians or French. Were the WMD gas? what was the delivery platform, arty or air power?

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Post by captnchuck67 »

Will be starting up the posting again. In real life once I have another project complete I will devote full time to this.

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Post by chrisswim »

The reigning Monarch of the Commonwealth of Chrisdom is officially reaching out to the Republic of Tripoli with a hand of friendship. diplomatic relationships to be improved.
Secret message... asking to permit up to 160 special forces personnel for unique operations in the western coast of Africa (West Sahara and perhaps other areas as needed). This would be without the knowledge of any one in the public domain...highly recommend single men, those without ties close ties back home. Perhaps 12 transport helos, and 4-8 attack helos. The above may include support personnel. This is a high risk series of operations, expect close combat, hand-to-hand. Uniform will be generic, there should not be any rank or identifying insignia.

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current situation

Post by captnchuck67 »

As of right now,we are in action in Syria.
Our Naval/Marine assets now that they have completed initial operation will be redeployed to assist the forces of Chrissitom.
we are enforcing a 100km naval and air exclusion zone.

Also the Vatican is to hold a special press conference. Rumor has it it has to do with Malta and the Knights of Malta.

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Post by chrisswim »

Tripoli has secret relationships, operations going on. Our agents cannot find any information of the events that happen in their sphere.
The Commonwealth does look forward to working Tripoli.

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