Great Graham Island Nation

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Re: Great Graham Island Nation

Post by chrisswim »

Eski isn’t an island, on the mainland, although there are several islands that are part of Eski. Graham is several islands.
“Shelia here reporting, supposedly the NC military checked all their inventory of vehicles. Several military consults in logistics, operations commented ‘that with the NC military not being capable of an plan to attack with 4 or 5 dozen vehicles, how would the NC Military know where in the country their equipment is? Since they have downsized over they years, lost records people, and equipment has been sold from under their noses, NC leadership does have their act together.’”
“So ladies and gentlemen, these are a few build, really just a roof to cover. On this video you can see this storage building has dozens of oil puddles in the center. There are some Grizzlies in the back corner, a couple of Ilitis vehicles off to the right.”
“As we walk over to the next building…. what are they doing? Those two have bolt cutters, they are cutting a padlock of and the chain. Opening the roll up door, There are … 4 Leopard tanks in here, a transporter. A bunch of dust on the desks in the main storage area of the building. I was just told that there is another storage building that is empty, and another that has over a dozen armored vehicles.”
“This is Shelia reporting north of Vancouver, on WSXY Action News. Thank you for watching.”

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Re: Great Graham Island Nation

Post by chrisswim »

Eski Army Group.
Re-supplied, fuel, food. The battle group turns further south, recon vehicles lead the way moving fairly quickly. Expect to be near Vancouver Island by night fall. Heavy armor, AFVs, SAM & AAA units on the March.
To the east, Eski forces meet with some people that aren’t happy with their government. A meeting took place in Deese, BC, they did not wish to take up arms. They are wanting independence.
Graham forces are supporting Eski have moved into NC behind the Eski battle group.

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Re: Great Graham Island Nation

Post by chrisswim »

Whereas, NC attacked with armored forces, and light infantry units as an act of unprovoked aggression, and
Whereas, NC violated the national sovereignty of Eski,
Thereby, be it resolved that, NC should not have attacked and invaded Eski or allowed it to happen by military and/or para-military units to invade with military equipment
Also be it resolved, that NC should accept responsibility for this misuse of defense units.
Finally be it be resolved that all parties end the violence, to promote peace and economic opportunity.
Eski forces cross-over into Vancouver Island with 2 companies of M1A2 Abrams, 4 companies of mechanized infantry in M113. Accompanied by air defense and artillery units. Graham defense set up a defensive line to protect the left flank of the Eski logistics trail onto Vancouver Isle. A platoon of C-1 approached th. e armored & mechanized units. Tank fire took place, 2 ATGMs were fired. 3 Leopard 1 were disabled and an Abrams and 2 M113s knocked.

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Re: Great Graham Island Nation

Post by Hoth_902 »

The story put forth by the Eski government is far to outlandish to have any merit of truth. Its next to impossible to believe, that that the NC would act with a full out invasion when they refused to even offer a defense of there boarder when troops were positioned on the other side, would perpetrate and all out attack like the one the Eski Government is suggesting. You bring that kind of nonsense to the playground, you have to expect being called to the Matt.

As a result, with agreement of the NC government, the RPNW has begun moving its forces on two Vancouver island. Two Battalions of Armored and mechanized units have already landed in Victoria, through the use of civilian car ferries, and have begun moving into the surrounding area. Stryker units have begun moving along the main road up the coast and have just passed through Vancouver. Heavier units are following on as behind. RPNW naval forces have moved into the area, off the coast of Vancouver island with heavy P-8 and P-3 Orion flights. Two Wasp Amphibian assault ships and escort ships have set out to see and will be followed by a third configured to carrier fighters. Air defense forces have been set up around Victoria and Vancouver with follow on mobil units to follow. Fighter aircraft are now patrolling over Vancouver airspace ahead of Eski forces. Full Mobilization of the RPNW military has begun.

The RPNW is activating alliances to meet this treat and unwarranted aggression. We order ESki forces to leave the area and head back to there places of origin.
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Re: Great Graham Island Nation

Post by 7.62 »

Story break/
I know it is Imagi-nations but I think Eski is over stating its mobility!
The only way to get a M1 from the Eski border to near Vancouver Island is by ship or to fly it.
If you made it to Prince Rupert and got on the road it would be over 1,600 kms and have to travel deep into the center of BC. Even this route could be easily blocked by girl guides selling cookies until the snow comes.
To go direct cross country may be possible if you had the full resources of the US corp of Engineers and six Months?

Maybe they went by way of barges down the coast? No NC Navy seen of late.

Rant over/ and action :lol:

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Re: Great Graham Island Nation

Post by chrisswim »

Vancouver Isle,
The Eski military has withdrawn its 2 M1A2 Abrams by LCM-8 landing craft along with estimated 23 M113 and a dozen trucks. It’s have left one M113 that broke down. Observations of large amounts of shipping and aircraft on the southern end of the island is alarming. Observation of aircraft and helicopters let’s us know that a larger military force than ours is involved. A quick dance to reverse the process to the south now has equipment moving north towards Eski. Graham forces have pulled back. MP units are working diligently to keep the process in some semblance of order.
Juneau, the Capital of Eski, with Shelia reporting on ** CENSORED **, Action News, “government leaders have announced that others nations that we hold high respect for have asked and advised us that Eski has made its political point known. ‘That NC needs to better manage its own military.’ Because of our desire for friendship with the people of Canada, we are planning to reach out in friendship to the people of Canada in Peace. Eski expects that In 20 hours, all its military units will be north of current positions by 100 miles.

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Re: Great Graham Island Nation

Post by 7.62 »

The two main Karma Naval ports are both very active tonight.
A few ships/subs departed this afternoon and it looks like more are being made ready.
Some Naval and Marine reservists have been called in.

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Re: Great Graham Island Nation

Post by MechCommander »

New Canada will give Eski and Great Graham island forces the chance to peacefully withdraw its forces out of my territory.

As for peace talks with Eski that remains to be seen, in light of this incident. Maybe in time.

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Re: Great Graham Island Nation

Post by chrisswim »

Eski appreciates the overture from NC. Next time NC decides to invade a country it should reconsider that decision. As NC has learned, or should have learned, is Eski is not going to be dominated by NC military aggression. We do have 34 prisoners from NC. There is a funeral home east of Vancouver Isle that has the remains if 23 and Horton Funeral Home has another 16.
Graham Island Nation concurs with Eski. Because of your foolish attack, Eski and GGIN ( spoken as ‘GIN’) May need to work together, May need to set up a defense line into northern area of BC, and Yukon. We will let you know. If NC would like to have a conference, let us know.

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Re: Great Graham Island Nation

Post by Hoth_902 »

The RPNW does not accept eski and grahams version of events. They do not match reality or the current reality of NC and there forces. This in fact is a land grab, where the nation of eski and graham conspired together to this end, through a manufactured attack that has no basis in reality. Your forces need to leave all NC territory and a multi national force is being assembled to ensure the territorial integrity of NC and the region.
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Re: Great Graham Island Nation

Post by chrisswim »

Eski Ambassador asks for your evidence.
“This is Shelia with ** CENSORED **, Action News. I have Lt. Sean Holt who was captured by Eski forces. Lt Holt, can you tell us what happened, what caused all this?”
“Yes I can. We were on maneuvers with a mixed battalion of Leopard 2, Grizzlies, LAV III, we were called together by Col. Johnson, BDE Cmdr, saying he had ‘live ammunition to be distributed we are moving west to free hostages in Eski. These are Canadians on holiday that were apprehended, are held prisoner. Our Government has tried for their release, but unable. My hope is that they are freed quickly, perhaps on the drive over.’ He went on, ‘we are fortunate that we are only a few miles from Eski, we’ll move out in 4 hours.’ That was his message to us. Then we started heading west later on.”
Shelia asks, “what happened next?”
“ we attacked, invaded Eski, didn’t see much of anything for a long time. Then came across small town we shot up a police car, wounded a few people or they hurt themselves running from the Grizzlies. After we secured the police station, we moved halt, to rest, eat. Then we continued on before dawn. Then our Leopards opened up in some Eski armor, which turned out to be an Abrams. That surprised me. A couple of our Leopards were knocked out. It got tough, nasty really quickly. We lost several vehicles, destroyed some vehicles. As this was happening and during lull, we were surprised on our right by Eski. Some of our battalion were destroyed, other leopards, LAV III, Grizzlies pulled back. It became a huge mess.”

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Re: Great Graham Island Nation

Post by Hoth_902 »

I have evidence,. None of the tactics used or the event itself follows anything that NC would do. When faced with forces on it's boarder, they chose to pack there stuff up and leave it open. Then you want us to believe they would suddenly go on a land grab......a little far fetched.
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Re: Great Graham Island Nation

Post by chrisswim »

Believe what you want to believe. Good to know you are a ‘Flat Earther’.
This picture was taken in Eski, 22 miles inland from the NC border.


Defenses in Graham and Eski are increasing. Mobile anti-ship missiles deployed.


Air defenses, anti-missile and anti-artillery rounds are a concern, units being deployed.


Gov. Of Alaska said, “we are disappointed that NC choose to invade Eski, which as you know was part of this great state. In response to others that seem to be threatening Eski, and possibly Graham, I have called up the National Guard. I have spoken to the President, who is in full support. Also said that this unfortunate conflict should not escalate. I agree with the President.”
Last edited by chrisswim on Sun Jul 25, 2021 5:08 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Great Graham Island Nation

Post by Hoth_902 »

LMFAO. Enjoy your thread.
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Re: Great Graham Island Nation

Post by Hoth_902 »

LMFAO........I agree with all of this....the RPNW realizes how much they have confused the issue. I see the errors of my ways recognize your legitimacy in your story.....peace out,,...........
Quantity has a Quality all its own.

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