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10mm Napoleonic rules

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2021 3:41 am
by Beagle
Anybody know a good rule set for 10mm? I’m kind of getting the itch to expand my paint horizons since starting a new book, but I would like to base them so they would be potentially useable in the future. Even if I don’t play a game, I don’t like to take the time to paint minis that are based all wrong to ever be used in a game. I’ve done some searching on the internet, but haven’t quite found what I’m looking for, basically a game that plays with units like Fire and Fury or Micro Force.

Re: 10mm Napoleonic rules

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2021 4:40 am
by Extra Crispy
Age of Eagles is a variant of Fire & Fury for Napoleonics. It gives a good game.

Re: 10mm Napoleonic rules

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2021 4:41 am
by Extra Crispy

If you base your minis on a 20 or 25mm frontage on steel bases like i do, you can easily cut sheet magnet sabots for other rule sets in a nonce.

Re: 10mm Napoleonic rules

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2021 6:29 am
by Beagle
I usually mount my GHQ stuff on .040 styrene. For my ACW, they are based for Fire and Fury brigade level rules, so they are 1" wide and .75" deep for infantry. Styrene is just cheap, easy to cut and light. I'm tempted to base Napoleonics the same way, but put six figures on a stand to give them more of a 'formal' look.

Re: 10mm Napoleonic rules

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2021 2:35 am
by dalewill
Take a look at Et sans résultat! (ESR) by Each base is a battalion, battery or cavalry group. You can play very large games with it.

Re: 10mm Napoleonic rules

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2021 5:31 am
by Beagle
That looks very compelling, thanks for sharing! I was looking for something with basing along the lines of Fire & Fury, where a brigade or battalion is composed of multiple stands, but thinking on that, with the size of Napoleonic armies, that would be a s**t load of stands and minis. I say that like it’s a bad thing, lol. But know you have me thinking about buying a new rule set, lol.

Re: 10mm Napoleonic rules

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2021 8:53 pm
by Extra Crispy
For Et Sans Resultat you can get the bulk of the rules for free. Just download the lite version and a QRS: ... erview.pdf