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Post by 7.62 »

Karmanaskis is a peaceful Nation on the Pacific coast, North of RPNW and South of Canada.


An independent nonaligned Country always run in a defensive chill manner.

This page may serve as a placeholder for info and a basic ORBAT.
Last edited by 7.62 on Fri Jan 20, 2023 4:39 am, edited 5 times in total.

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Friendship. Unity. Karmanaskis. Eurasia. Treaty.

Post by 7.62 »

Karmanaskis PM, Nakiska.
Good day, today I would like to announce the formation of

Friendship Unity Karmanaskis Eurasia Treaty.

Our region is seeing considerable change and the importance of maintaining a peaceful and stable environment for all, not just the chosen few, must be maintained.
The long held Karma policy of 'active defence' will continue to be our bedrock to protect us, our neighbors and independent friends.

The first initial action of FUKET will be to restore air dominance over our Home Islands and immediate area.
As I speak new SU-27K fighter aircraft are being handed over to the KDF Air Force.
Also with the help of our friends in Eurasia a new advanced AD missile system is now deploying.
This will keep the CofC from over flying again (up to about 328,084 feet Chris no more XB-70's lol) it will also give a limited ABM ability for the first time .

Second, Karma has canceled the order with the Swiss submarine company for the 8 AIP craft. We will now build in Karma with the help of our Eurasian friend , a minimum of 8 nuclear powered submarines of a modern proven design.
These are just nuclear powered so no big deal.

Third, the Navy is now fast tracking the replacement of the12 old Halifax class Frigates with 12 new Future Surface Combatants as a matter of urgency. The Navy's 3 AWD are being improved and upgraded.
This is just the start of a few changes to make everyone happier and safer.

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Re: Karmanaskis (Greater Karma)

Post by MechCommander »

Your allying with the EE? Have you lost your Cannabis fuelled mind??? You just brought our worst enemy near our doorstep.

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Re: Karmanaskis (Greater Karma)

Post by chrisswim »

In an appointment scheduled with the CoC Ambassador and Foreign Minister of Karmanaskis, the meeting ended abruptly when the FM was yelling and slapped Ambassador Hurtgen. The new government is aggressive, insulting.
The Commonwealth has recalled Ambassador Hurtgen for discussions. Expect a different national philosophy, more aggressive and arrogant from Karmanaskis.

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Re: Karmanaskis (Greater Karma)

Post by 7.62 »

A spokesperson for the Karma Foreign Ministry denied any hostile act took place, this is just normal CofC media propaganda.

Karma holds the ideals of diplomacy of the highest order.
Regardless of disagreement with any Nation, the full protections and protocols will always be afforded to all diplomats.

While strong diplomatic language may have been expressed the FM was just doing his job!
Amb Hurtgen seems to have been unprofessional and easily offended by the line of questions about which small defenseless Nations are booked to become 'Doms' this year?
Asking the Amb which gender pronoun they preferred to be called was just being polite. We will continue to engage in dialog with the CofC as long as is possible.
Still Karma is expecting their Ambassador in Monacodom to be ask to return home for consultations.

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Re: Karmanaskis (Greater Karma)

Post by MechCommander »

The NC embassy in Nakiska, has since closed down, and all of the NC diplomatic staff and military attaches has left the island country. feeling betrayed over the news of Karma's alliance with the EE.

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Re: Karmanaskis (Greater Karma)

Post by chrisswim »

The CoC is sending another person to serve as Ambassador to Karmanaskis, Roger ‘The Raging Bull’ Romundos has departed with credentials. He was a professional boxer having won Welterweight Title in Los Vegas in 1996. Prior to that he boxed for Sparta University in Greece, grad school at Princeton at the Wilson School of International and Public Service. Ambassador Romundos said, “ I look forward to work the Karmanaskis Foreign Minister and their government to solve problems.
North of Karmanaskis a B-70 launched 2 stealth drones at 72,000 ft at a distance of 120 miles north of the Island. Each drone records data in electronic spectrum, images, GPS mapping, etc. Upon launch the B-70 turned back north to fly over the polar ice cap. There are two LCS and two FFG south and southwest on Karmanaskis by 550 miles set to recover the stealth drones.

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Re: Karmanaskis (Greater Karma)

Post by chrisswim »

The KDF is too quiet, even the Embassy is unable to communicate.
Shelia from WSE-XY, Action News. NC jammers on Vancouver Isle are jamming Karmanaskis Island, eliminating all radio, cell, TV communications. KDF officials would like to respond themselves, but are unable to do so due to the jamming.

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Re: Karmanaskis (Greater Karma)

Post by chrisswim »

Sweet Shelia with Action News Groupie, WSE-XY
Out camera crew was able to attain images of the Royal NC radar and jamming station. Karmanaskis is in a whiteout, not a blackout. All the residents receive is static on cell phone, radio and TV. Many are also complaining some phone lines and hardwire internet is not working at times.



This is shameful that NC would do this. The UIN may take action on this as there are some discussion at lower levels.

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Re: Karmanaskis (Greater Karma)

Post by 7.62 »

So what Karma is doing is adjusting its defensive position. There has not been a political change but a policy update.
We find ourselves in the neighborhood of a superpower (the ROD).
A nearby modernizing mainland power with amphibious ambitions, closely allied with the ROD (the RPNW)
and NC, the unpredictable landmass with a hammer looking for nails.
NC has broken off diplomatic contact with Karma (no wonder I'm having a hard time with Canada Post lol).
In return Karma has recalled its Ambassador and reduced the embassy to a provincial trade office.

Karma is growing fast with increasing Worldwide trade, a good resource base with efficient industry and a mature hi tech sector.
We will not be contained, we will adjust our active defence to allow our Government the freedom of independent choice. 
With the recent massive show of force by the ROD it has become clear the KDF must adjust for the future.
Not only on our doorstep but also out to our Worldwide markets.
Even without access to US arms, it is re-structuring to deal with potential threats and enhance their capabilities.

This will be a large challenge that will take a bit of time but Karma is 100% committed and is going to stand its ground.

PS. I just feel there are way too many M1's and carrier battle groups roaming around the UIN, whats life without a little blow back.

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Re: Karmanaskis (Greater Karma)

Post by panzergator »

If you want peace, prepare for war.

What with NC getting all huffy about what others are doing in the area and tossing about God knows what... Diplomatic skills being what they are in the region, we just don't know who will stumble into an unreasonable little war.

Gator State certainly will respond to this uncertainty by building up its armed forces. In addition to 3rd Armored Division, the 4th Armored Group will be expanded to a mechanized division. A mechanized infantry battalion or two will be added to the three MBT70 battalions to form a separate armored brigade, joining the M1/M2 brigade already in existence. GS will acquire 4 AH64 attack helicopter battalions, as well as 3 more S-67 AH battalions, not to mention medium and heavy lift helicopter battalions. These join two AH56 and one S-67 battalions already extant. The Marine battalion will be remounted, first in LVTP7s, later in Advanced Expeditionary Vehicles. An M1 company and V22s will enhance Marine capability. An airborne battalion, later to be expanded to a brigade, will be established, with a light armor battalion included in its establishment. Additional tank battalions are expected to be added to the current establishment, as well. These include M8, T97, and M103.

The British brigade recently added a squadron of Challenger IIs and completed its reserve Chieftain squadron. The Germans added a full battalion of Puma-equipped Panzergrenadiers. Augmentation of their artillery contingents is expected this year.

CofC is apparently getting restless, and the Command staff is making plans to acquire effective air defense systems to defend against the B70 and B58 he currently threatens to use against us. Defense against drone and drone swarms is also being developed.

Gator State works constantly on its electronic defenses and that establishment is already quite well-equipped.
All blessings flow from a good mission statement.
Pogo was right. So was Ike.
"A Gentleman is a man who is only rude intentionally." (Churchill)
Give credit. Take responsibility.

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Re: Karmanaskis (Greater Karma)

Post by MechCommander »

7.62 wrote:
Sun Jan 16, 2022 1:45 am
So what Karma is doing is adjusting its defensive position. There has not been a political change but a policy update.
We find ourselves in the neighborhood of a superpower (the ROD).
A nearby modernizing mainland power with amphibious ambitions, closely allied with the ROD (the RPNW)
and NC, the unpredictable landmass with a hammer looking for nails.
NC has broken off diplomatic contact with Karma (no wonder I'm having a hard time with Canada Post lol).
In return Karma has recalled its Ambassador and reduced the embassy to a provincial trade office.

Karma is growing fast with increasing Worldwide trade, a good resource base with efficient industry and a mature hi tech sector.
We will not be contained, we will adjust our active defence to allow our Government the freedom of independent choice. 
With the recent massive show of force by the ROD it has become clear the KDF must adjust for the future.
Not only on our doorstep but also out to our Worldwide markets.
Even without access to US arms, it is re-structuring to deal with potential threats and enhance their capabilities.

This will be a large challenge that will take a bit of time but Karma is 100% committed and is going to stand its ground.

PS. I just feel there are way too many M1's and carrier battle groups roaming around the UIN, whats life without a little blow back.
The only reason why I Broke ties with Karma since they allied themselves with the EE, NC’s Greatest Enemy. However if Karma ditches their alliance with the EE I’ll reconsider.

As far as trade is considered, Karma is gonna have a tough time. Since their major export is Cannabis a highly controversial and Illegal Drug. Who knows it might put the EE off from the bad Cannabis smell.

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Re: Karmanaskis (Greater Karma)

Post by Hoth_902 »

Its interesting to see how each nation interprets the actions of another.
Quantity has a Quality all its own.


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Re: Karmanaskis (Greater Karma)

Post by 7.62 »

Karmanaskis company to build new container port in Yer Bouti.

Pugwash PLC has received the contract to build and operate a new port facility in YerBouti.
The multi million dollar contract was signed in Yer Bouti City this weekend and work will begin at once.
It is hoped that it will become a major gateway for Africa to advance trade and development.
The cost of the project was not revealed but it estimated upwards of over 300 million dollars.
The low interest loan was backed by the Karma Government and sheik yer Bouti gets the Air Miles.

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Re: Karmanaskis (Greater Karma)

Post by chrisswim »

7.62 wrote:
Sun Jan 16, 2022 6:55 am
Karmanaskis company to build new container port in Yer Bouti.

Pugwash PLC has received the contract to build and operate a new port facility in YerBouti.
The multi million dollar contract was signed in Yer Bouti City this weekend and work will begin at once.
It is hoped that it will become a major gateway for Africa to advance trade and development.
The cost of the project was not revealed but it estimated upwards of over 300 million dollars.
The low interest loan was backed by the Karma Government and sheik yer Bouti gets the Air Miles.
What, Karm is working to build the Yer Bouti orifice ... errrr..... port. The country of Western Sahara objects to this planned construction. First there has been an ecological impact evaluation 3 years ago considering an expansion that found that the local natural resources would be harmed. The animals of the river, the local ocean area. 2. The economic impact will not be beneficial except for the construction project. Economic activity is not sustainable. 3. Karma is planning to support a promoter of terrorism. The people of Yer Bouti by decree of the land grant must meet the laws of Western Sahara.
This is a sham is horrible choice to support a cruel and corrupt dictator the Shiek Yer Bouti. There is no other way to shake this out.

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