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Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 5:18 am
by nmanica
KK here she is with her "Load" I'm using TRU-COLOR paint railbox yellow which I think is close to cat yellow and by doing this it will not mess up my airbrush and I think the color looks much richer.





Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 5:24 am
by nmanica
Client wants a tracked front end loader,Great so do a thousand other people! He said " I know you can make one" HaHaHa so I take the GHQ tracked log loader use the booms from a build from some other client,Then "BASH" the Langley bucket and whatever gear I needed to make it happen! I think it happen.
P.S. I have GHQ kits but I'm not using them............yet.





Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 5:30 am
by nmanica
PIcked up this busted up MT car at a swapmeet,and yes it is metal so I guess it can go here,
cleaned it up sanded it primed and painted,wood deck is from SIdeTrack Laser I cut them to fit tapped out new holes for the bloster pins added trucks and "BAM" and yes there is a twin in the works also




Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 6:26 am
by StarCruiser
Does it ever end? Is there no stopping you??

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 8:20 am
by nmanica
StarCruiser wrote:Does it ever end? Is there no stopping you??
The only thing that would stop me is if "I stop thinking out of the box !" and let's not forget all the folks at GHQ for making the BEST DARN white metal kits around !!!!!!!!! becasue without the kits there would be no thread ??? thank you GHQ

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 4:12 am
by nmanica
So you gotta love going to swapmeets and seeing what other people are selling because it's "broken" or "trash" god I love people like that !!!

SO the mill gon is white metal missing parts,big deal I give the guy a buck the first picture is the after stripping and adding some "parts" second picture is after it's primed.
I know some people are saying" Why did he use white paint"...... good thing you asked !!!when you paint if your top color is light them you use white the top coat will SCREAMMMMMMMMMMM ,what the white paint does is helps the lighter color show thur better and then if your going to paint a dark top coat use your good old gray primer.



I really really reallyyyyy wanted to paint this today !!!! but I held to my own rule.wait 24 hrs between each coat,that is one reason it takes me so long to paint stuff but............ by waiting I get very little tape life off

came across this and I was like "How dare you " dropped a buck and left I will not show you the before pictures very ugly but here they are stripped,I'll dig in the parts box and replace all the missing parts two wheels and a hood.



Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 5:30 am
by nmanica
SO with GHQ's ok I;d like to post this picture,Like i said in the eariler post about using white paint as a primer I just finshed this GP 40 today,the yellow and light blue got the white the dark blue got the gray primer.Can you see it or is it just me ???




Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 10:10 am
by nmanica
Thanks,cama I'll be painting the mill gon sometime on Thursday and this will be a good test it's goign to be a ONL mill gon all blue with yellow ends so we'll see how that comes out,and a "bashed" GHQ wheeled log loader should be picture ready also.

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 5:19 am
by nmanica
SO got my order from BLMA today this is the first time I'm using there tread decking.......and so far I'm happy.
I'm building the GHQ ladder truck for a very close and dear buddie of mine,little does he know I'm 'tricking it Out" for him !! I hope he likes it?

Here is a baseline picture building going slow due to the arm and hand.


got the steps cut out,I'm using all the little bits I have left over can't waste this stuff


rear view,this was a tough cut,but I got it done.


So I want the entire deck in tread plating and after the mistake last nite I'm going to change things up abit.I filed off the stops for the ladder cover on the left side and the bases for the PEE parts on the right,I wanted to have one large peice of decking.



things are not really square but then it won't be me building it so I'll use the ladder cover as a stop worked out good I was off by 1/100th of an inch !!!! that will never happen again in a zillon years !!!!



SO now I run into a second problem,sometimes I wonder about me ???? being that I filed off the holder for the PEE how do I get them to stay put ?? I guessmated where they should go and drilled thur the decking into the body the small tab on the bottom will act as a holding point??? I hope ???


and here we are at the end of the build so far,comming along will get it done,he's in no rush as he still need's to build the buring building for his layout.




Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 5:47 am
by nmanica
Got the white metal mill gon done !!! what a monster the first one is always the hardest I leanred what not to do on the next one if it is to happen





Update the fire truck(S) are comming along will post pictures once the paint is dry doing all the detail painting now and I'm happy about it now.

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 3:08 am
by nmanica
Feel's like it's taking foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrr to build them! they are far from done,not really happy about this build,they still may go back to the strip tank,paint to thick,missed spots blah blah blah........... I am my own worst enemy!









Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 5:17 am
by nmanica
:lol: :mrgreen: :D :P :wink: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: WOW !!!!!!!!!!!! 20,000 views !!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you everyone for helping me make this happen !! A special thanks to the folks at GHQ for having this forum and for making the best white metal kits in the world !!! and a special thanks to my wife !! for putting up with me and all the building and for her support,and thank you to all the other people that have come and in and checked out what I'm up to,again thank you all for making this happen !!!!!!

L :wink: :D

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 9:24 am
by nmanica
THE BOY IS BACK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! been way to long love this kid to death !!!! weather as been really nice so we've been working on the ranch,nice to have help even better when the help is six foot and tougher then nails !! takes a load off an old man's back,weather is iffe this week so we can get the ladder truck done and I got my GHQ order so I need to get the crane done remember that ??? I do,so as time permitts I'll get some building done and psot pictures.


Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 9:20 am
by nmanica
Well been enjoying time with my son but it's ending way to soon (sniff,sniff) here are some long overdue pictures,I'm doing a double build,one crane will be on it's own tracks and base the other,you guessed it a railroad crane with boom car.Weather here is going to be nice and the boy leaves very very soon so I gotta use him while I have him once the cranes are painted I'll post pictures of how to rig the cranes as I'm doing a little bash for a change.





Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 6:16 am
by nmanica
My head was not into this build !! it is a train wreak.Nothing seem to work out, there are to many mistakes to list,I'm ashamed to even post pictures of it.



