The Commonwealth of Chrisdom

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Post by 7.62 »

Last edited by 7.62 on Sun Apr 04, 2021 10:37 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Attack on Terrorist Safe Houses

Post by chrisswim »

Report in Amsterdam by NATO Public Relations:
People in the house were given the opportunity to surrender, even after Mrs Quigsly was shot by the terrorist. After a firefight with authorities and military personnel participation, it was a fight to the end. Several of the terrorist had suicide vests on. RPVs were sent in to determine if any explosives were set up. Evaluating the two sites, all the people are dead, and authorities are investigating.
Thre was a gun battle just off the beach, several people are dead. No specifics are being reported.
The British Prime Minister May, has directed the military to prepare for operations against those responsible.
***we have an interruption, The Wolf from CNN with live update: There is an attack underway in the Western Med. It seems crazy and similar to the attack in the English Channel. Some boats in the Med shot at the CCNS Dry Tortuga's. We have not information at this time, we will get back with any news or updates as information comes available.
... We do not have any word if the events are related.

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Post by 7.62 »

Last edited by 7.62 on Sun Apr 04, 2021 10:37 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by chrisswim »

Public announcement by the info bureau of the Commonwealth:
The MV Horton enter the port at Plymouth for an ** CENSORED ** of any damage, nothing was considered critical or was a risk for the integrity, safety or functionality of the ship. It left 8 hours later at 3:02 am with secrecy and security.
The MV Horton entered the Med passing Gibraltar yesterday at 1pm. Since then has docked at the port of our capital of Manaco for the Commonwealth of Chrisdom. It is off loading agricultural, commercial and military equipment along with precious metal. Unload $1 billion dollars of gold (equal to 900 million Common dollars). Balzac Republic Bank was holding it for the Commonwealth. The Treasury Dept Secretary announces transfer of funds for the Trust Department to manage on a discretionary basis in a prudent manner.
The MV Horton will go through further evaluation in the dock yards. The ship was escorted by patrol boats and rotary and fixed wing assets

The Defense Minister announces that the gun/missile boats attacks in the Med were from Libya. Libya announced that it had no knowledge of the attack boats. 30 minutes after the announcement, an attack by aircraft hit the port firing missile and dropping bombs. Accurate damage assessment is unavailable at this time. Causalities are not know at this time. The CoC Defense Dept announced that one jets crashed into the sea shortly after take-off due to engine failure. The pilot was rescued and is in good health. Another plane, an A-4 after the attack run crashed into the sea from damage from an AA missile. The pilot suffered an injury in his leg. He is in the recovery room after surgery.

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Post by chrisswim »

Today the M.V. Horton was moved to a dry dock for further inspection after off loading all cargo, crew and their personal items. Draining fuel as the dry dock is lifting the M.V. Horton. Plan to check hull integrity.
. 6 Cobra attack choppers went into Libya around 2am and conducted a raid on patrol, gun and missile boats. The AH-1 fired TOW anti-tank missiles and 70mm rockets into the patrol, gun and missile boats. A few were being fueled at the time and the petro truck was hit and caught fire and exploded. It is reported that 8 boats were damaged with 4 confirmed sinking. There is not a report of loss of life. It is reported that a Cobra was shot down by a Mig while in pursuit of the helicopters to Tunisiadom.
. All defense forces for the Commonwealth are on alert, ready to respond to any military attack, guerrilla attack or terrorism. E-2 Hawkeye planes are airborne with escort to monitor the air and sea lanes from Libya.
. The Dept of Commerce announces that as agent for the transfer of M60A2 and principal of several support vehicles, supplies and ammo, and service contract. Estimated value is $130 million COC dollars.

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Post by panzergator »

The Southern Comfortable States announces the arrival of a shipment of panzers from the arsenal of the Commonwealth. All are in excellent condition and the SCS is well-pleased with this honorable transaction.
All blessings flow from a good mission statement.
Pogo was right. So was Ike.
"A Gentleman is a man who is only rude intentionally." (Churchill)
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Post by chrisswim »

The Commonwealth of Chrisdom is delighted that the defense, farming and constructions equipment and parts arrived in good order for The Southern Comfortable States. The currency exchange and financing for this transaction was provided by Chrisdom National Bank, Lead Underwriter, syndicator & running the books, followed by the Senior Underwriter of The Bank of the Coommonwealth, NA. $175,000,000 transaction. It was insured by Lloyd's of London. The Commonwealth is delighted to work with SOS.
The M.V. Horton is planning to return from dry dock early next week, to be fueled for return voyage to the Balzac Republic with a full load of farm equipment. The Commonwealth is delighted to see the improved relations of Balzac and the GSMFXYZ of Camastan..... We have some John Deere Tractors for farming for sale at 12% off. Parts at 10% off, hoses & belts at 20% off.
Commonwealth Defense Minister along with the Secretary of War, Sec. of Military Procurement announces that the Commonwealth will purchase an armor company initially of the Italian MBT, although it will need to be in the NATO camo scheme to match the other units camo. The tanks of the Commonwealth on first line of defense are the LeClerc from France, Leopard 2A6 M, M1A1 & M1A2 from the USA, and British Challengers. Logistics is segmented by territory, but those countries and others have close working defense relationship with the Commonwealth. Tanks also in the operational units of the Commonwealth include: Leopard 1 & 2, M47, M48, M60. The Defense Minister noted that we are able to benefit from the advantages of each weapon system that is unique to that weapon system. That is why we are favorable to utilizing the various main battle tanks. Many of these tanks and others are in warehouse ready for the defense or economic purposes.

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Post by panzergator »

The Southern Comfortable States foresee an interest in M60 tanks in the next 12 months, providing the Commonwealth should be inclined and that they are of the turtleback design. If interested, perhaps negotiations could be broached April, 2017. Budgetary priorities and constraints preclude earlier talks

The arsenals of the SCS are adept at modifying older and even obsolete equipment for use in modern warfare, as exemplified by the Shillelagh 4 missile designed for use M60A2, upgrading armor, automotive, fire control, and electronic systems. The 7th (Imperial) Army is imaginative and flexible and ably employs such equipment most effectively in modern combat and foresees a number of missions in which older equipment is well-suited.
All blessings flow from a good mission statement.
Pogo was right. So was Ike.
"A Gentleman is a man who is only rude intentionally." (Churchill)
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Post by chrisswim »

SCS, I understand that there is a referendum to change name of SCS to Gator Nation. Any truth to that?
Shillelagh 4 missile, can the gunner control the missile get it under control before it's flown 1000 yards?
The Commonwealth military in Tunis Dom is on alert, protecting the border. Flying Pumas, Lynx, OH58s, while AH-64A, Cobras, PAH-1 are on 5 minute alert. 8 PT boats, built in 1945, are on patrol in the Med. The most recent reports report. Italy is asking the Commonwealth to show restaint, hinting that a military embargo, including the C-1 Ariete, B-1 TANK Destroyer. Surplus M113 and parts.
China announces it is hosting The International Military Legalities of Attacks and Invasion in Contemporary Society. Each country may submit up to Four Legal scholars, Atterneys, Judges to participate. Each potential speaker must submit their research, expository paper by Sept. 10, 2016. Each candidate must also submit their Vita and references and letters of recomendation.
For sale by the Commonwealth, units of 1,000,000 rounds of 7.62x39 steel-core produced in 1982 in USSR. 213,000 COC ($221,000). 35 units currently avaliable for pick-up of shipment.

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Post by panzergator »

The Southern Comfortable State's Benevolent Manipulator is considering this most felicitous suggestion of changing its name to reflect its loyalty and affiliation. Perhaps it will take an adjusted form to avoid copyright infringement... (LOL).

The Shillelagh 4 is a fire-and-forget round. It was developed solely to keep the M60A2 in service. We have managed to double tts acceleration and increase the power of its warhead, and the gunner is able to correct its course after 500 meters, if desirable. Unfortunately, it still relies on a chemical warhead (HEAT). While this is not ideal, it does work. The short barrel limits the muzzle velocity of the conventional round and leaves its range at the original 1500 meters. Some consideration has been given to a smaller round with a sabot to increase muzzle velocity of a heat round, but it hasn't worked out. A2s will likely be assigned missions that speak to its advantages, particularly combat in cities. Armor packages are being designed to improve its ability to withstand RPGs, etc. Re-gunning with the 120mm carried by the M1 is the most likely solution, and the Brand-X battalion will likely be the victim of this experiment. This would provide a higher rate of fire, as well as better PK. The basic load remains a problem.

It should be noted that, due to philosophical considerations, operations of the Southern Comfortable States (perhaps soon to be the Gator Nation) are limited in era to 1950 to 1989. Smaller units may be developed in the future to deal with incidents further up the timeline, however, current efforts are devoted to expanding M60 and M60A1 units and hopefully (depending on GHQ), M48A1w/fuel drum kit and M59 battalions, along with an M103 unit.

The contribution of the Commonwealth to the M60A2 establishment, along with those from a country to the north, have resulted in two complete A2 battalions, as well as two companies, a company hq, and a platoon of a (Brand-X) third, a very impressive and much appreciated effort. If we can find 11 more GHQ A2s, 11 Brand-X tanks can be moved over to complete the Brand-X battalion, as well. As you can see, your shipment was most generous and helpful!
All blessings flow from a good mission statement.
Pogo was right. So was Ike.
"A Gentleman is a man who is only rude intentionally." (Churchill)
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Post by chrisswim »

Public Announcement:
1. The Commonwealth is delighted to work with the Gator Nation in its supply needs for equipment, ammo, parts. The Logistics Supply Group is delighted to help.
2. The Commonwealth announces that the tides were a bit low with the moon and the extraordinary heavy load on the MV Horton. It is expected to depart with the resumption of the tides and the Med. currents for the Balzac Republic. The MV Horton has had its weapons for defense augmented with 20 & 40mm guns along with EuroSpike AT missiles along with Penguin anti-ship missile launchers. MV Horton is loaded with tanks, APCs, Caterpillar tractors, John Deere farming equipment, medical equipment for the renovation of the hospital in Camastan Glorious Republic. We also have Fiat autos for Camastan, for the shipping agent to re-route.
3. The rumor that The Commonwealth of Chrisdom will invade Libya from Tunisiadom if false. The Public Affair Minister Jose de Marco 'categorically denies that any plans are set or in place for an invasion of Libya, even though we would be justified with the support of the bombings a few weeks ago and supporting the rebels in Tunisiadom and Morrocodom." He further said that :there are not any deployments taking place, we will allow the UN or any other peaceful group inspect our ports, inspect our facilities and speak with our military personnel. .

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Post by panzergator »

Following the suggestion by The Commonwealth of Chrisdom, the Benevolent Manipulator of the Southern Comfortable States suggested to the Senators of the Independent Electorate the name of the SCS be changed to The Gator State of Mind. Both houses immediately approved the change and the Southern Comfortable States have officially changed the name of all the governed territory to The Gator State of Mind.

The houses of the Independent Electorate wish to express its thanks to the Commonwealth of Chrisdom for the suggestion to title the State more in keeping with its inclinations, affiliations, and loyalties.

The national army is hereby designated as the Gator National Guard, with two principal subdivisions, that stationed in the home country as CONARC and that stationed in its principal ally as Seventh (Imperial) Army. 7th IA is currently under construction, with 3rd Armored Division as its principal combat unit. Another division is currently planned but it is expected that it will take some time to put together, as The Gator State is currently paying the costs of a college education for its progeny.

The Gator State currently trains its personnel both on US-built equipment and on equipment produced in its principle ally, Germanica, as the Gator State relies on Germanica for its principle import, a liquid formed by the fermentation of hops, barley, yeast, and water. The Gator State has attempted in the past to replicate this product and each and every attempt has failed miserably. The Gator State's only option it to import this product from Germanica. Germanica has gone through a drastic reduction in its active military force and possesses a high quantity of armored vehicles in reserve. Germanica keeps its vehicles ready for our personnel to man them in an emergency.
All blessings flow from a good mission statement.
Pogo was right. So was Ike.
"A Gentleman is a man who is only rude intentionally." (Churchill)
Give credit. Take responsibility.

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Post by chrisswim »

Weather Report from the Isle of Sardinia West, Wind 2kts from E by NE, with high tide at 3am local time and 2:42pm local time. Temp is 13^C.

1. The M.V. Horton left eh dock at 1:57pm steaming at 4 kts to get over the certainly developed sandbar with a very heavy load. The MV Horton was lead in the harbor and exit from Prince Manaco Harbor with heavy escort, including small patrol/gun boats. It also included to LCS (Littorial Combat Ships) reconfigured as mine sweepers. 4 were picked up from the US Navy since the LCS concept was not a success, thus resulting in their new role and new load out. The Commonwealth announces that is will serve as agent for any governments that wish to invest in the LCS for their navy or maritime patrol or coast guard. The MV Horton will be escorted by 1 LCS armed with 2 attack helos and 2 surveillance helos. Her Majesty's Royal Navy will provide escort through the English Channel all the way to the territorial limit of the Balzac Republic. The Dept of Economic Development Ministry is pleased to work with the Balzac Republic. The Dept. of War Secretary, Warren Buffet LeBlanc, said the he "would like to have a war with the Balzac Republic as an ally". It was immediately denounced by the Secretary of Defence, Jaquez, that we will work with our friends for mutual support economically, socially, financially to empower people to success and pursue their happiness. The King has called for the Secretary of War to report to the Kingdom on Wednesday for a discussion at 10am and then to have lunch.
2. The Commonwealth of Chrisdom announces the agreement to purchase 1 Ticonderoga cruiser. Delivery dates to be determined.
3. The Secretary of State, the Minister Walle-Head is pleased with the State of Gator and is looking forward to accepting an Honorary Rank of Colonel in the Gator National Guard.
4. Since the Camastan Republic needs forks, spoons, and knives, the Industrial Minister has announced the their department will arrange for a C-130 to fly over the Republic and cargo drop from 15,000 feet the knives, forks and spoons to the people of Camastan Republic. "We hope that the citizens will catch them before they impact the ground and become dirty," said the Minister.

Donald M. Scheef
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Post by Donald M. Scheef »

4. Reminds me of the National Lampoon comedy sketch "Catch It and You Keep It." The gold watch was a nice prize, but the kitchen range was a bit daunting.
"When a fire starts to burn,
here's a lesson you must learn:
something-something and you'll see
you'll avoid catastrophe."

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Post by chrisswim »

Reporting that the MV Horton regressed the harbor at high tide under the protection of air cover and helo escort. transited Gibraltar and taking a wide path into the Atlantic, varying specific course and speed to avoid any terrorist attack that may be planned against the Commonwealth, the Balzac Republic and the British. The MV Horton is expected to enter the English channel with in 28-30 hours. The ship manifest list indicates Leopard 2A6m, Weapon systems, CV90, Cat road equipment, John Deere farming equipment and of course spoon, knives and forks along with tin plates for the Glorious Camastan, They are still getting their equipment. Has 100 tons of food pallet loaded in sacks for the Glorious Camastan.
2. Libya has denied any part of the attack on the Commonwealth, but yet has decided not to take action against those responsible for the attack so the world can bring those to justice.
3. Lunch in the schools in the southern sphere of the Commonwealth (Morrocodom and Tunisdom) is grilled goat with horseradish, celery, jello, and a sugar cookie. In the northern sphere lunch being served will be choice of steak tartar or salmon, green beans or steamed carrots, fruit cup, and 3 chocolate chip cookies.

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