County Of Tripoli

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Post by chrisswim »

Tripoli patrol vessel identified a ship operating/sailing under UN Flag, without national flag. The suspected ship is believed to be from Eurasia. 6 miles behind is a Osa 1 ship which is followed by another Osa 1 (I.D. as Osa 2) by 4 miles on fly-by with a NH-90.
The Visby announced an inspection of the freighter, instructing to stop. The crew said they would get a Capt. he was sleeping at 6am. Reported that he had been drinking the night before. (believed to be a delay tactic. The ship did slow from 10 kts to 8 knots speed. The freighter is still 35 miles from Egyptian waters and then to transit the Red Sea. 4 Cobra helicopters were launched to assist with the boarding along with 6 NH-90 with Naval Infantry and Coast Guardsmen. 2 LCS ships left port and saw the suspected Eurasia ship within 45 minutes, 55 minutes for the second LCS.
The Osa missile boats came down from the Adriatic Sea. A Slava is now known for have just entered the Med from the Adriatic along with a Udaloy. The are flying the Macedonian Flag,
. Encoded transmission from Osa 1, detected, encoded transmission from Montenegro,few minutes later on same frequency. Osa 1 increase speed to 30 knots toward the freighter. Acquisition radar on, Target radar lock on Visby craft. Two missiles fired at Visby to the north of the freighter. The Sea-RAM missiles fired, once, twice, thrice hitting both missiles several miles away. The Osa fired its 4 remaining missiles, the Visby fired the remaining 5 missiles hitting 2 incoming, its 57mm gun opened up. firing 3 rounds a second, hitting 1 missile. The remaining missile impacted the Visby. No survivors. Very large explosion, smoke seen for miles and miles. The LCS then fired 3 Harpoons at the Osa 1 target, Its forward turret fired rapidly, hitting a missile, the pop-up Harpoon came in from above destroying the Osa. Osa 2 fired all 6 of its missiles at LCS still 22 miles away to the east. The LCS fired 2 Harpoons at the OSA and 3 at the freighter. The LCS steered so that the missile launch from the Osa 10 miles from the frieghter was partially blocking line of site. 2 of the missiles from the Osa hit the frieghter, 1 his and destroyed a Visby and 2 hit and destroyed the LCS. 2 Harpoons hit and destroyed the OSA. Only survivors were 3 crew members from the large freighter. The helicopters were looking for survivors, did pick up the 3 crew members from the freighter.
. Those people did confirm the Eurasia freighter was to resupply their forces in Djibouti.
From Chicovia 8 F/A-18 C took off from an air base with 2 Harpoon missiles each. A P-3 aircraft flying out of Malta did provide targeting data on the Slava and Udaloy in the Med. The missile launch time was the F/A-18 was 48 minutes after take off. 3 planes fired at each ship with their two missiles. The P-3 carrying 2 Harpoons along with 4 Mk 46 torpedoes watched and evaluated the engagement from 60 miles away. The incoming Harpoons from the F/A-18s came in low. The ships fired SA-N-20, SA-N-22 at the Harpoons, knocking down 2 targeting the Udaloy and one targeting the Slava. Second missile launch sequence shot down two and two. The Udaloy close in weapons systems fired hitting 1 of the remaining Harpoons, The final Harpoon did its pop-up maneuver and slammed into the superstructure toward the stern, penetrating into the hanger and below decks before exploding, It tore through a KA-52 Helix in the hanger which cause a small fuel leak. The explosion ignited the fuel line for the helicopters which rushed fuel into maintenance area. more small explosions ensured, moving into the engine room, Large metal hit the turbine causing it to rip blades and coming to a halt after warping. The ship was able to make about 12 knots. Fire control teams went down in the area, bellowing black smoke was coming out when doors were opened. Large plumes of black smoke coming out of the open door of the hanger.
. The Slava gun systems hit one Harpoon, thus two hit the Slava, one hitting the third pair of anti-ship missiles on the port side. where the rocket fuel ignited and that increased the size of the explosion and other missiles fuel ignited and burned. The internal communication system went dead. The second Harpoon hit on the bow of the Slava just missing the front mount. The missile went down into the internal bowels of the ship detonating the ammo which ripped off the bow. The Slava did sink within 8 minutes. The stern was the last sight to be seen. Over 100 sailor were in the water.

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Post by chrisswim »

The Air Defense Command has detected large air craft from Eurasia, over the Caspian Sea, heading south. A few landed or appeared to land in Yemen. 8 continued on to Djibouti,landing. For a couple of sources, unloaded cargo boxes, SAM vehicle, S-400 system if the report is accurate rolling off 4 engine transport.

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Post by chrisswim »

Corvette of the LCS Class observed those warships and transports moving to transit the Red Sea, as many are seen moving west or heading south through the Suez waterway.
. Tripoli-dom army received 45 Merkava IV, 4 Merkava training vehicles and 45 Merkava 1 MBTs. We have the crews that have been training for the last 4 months and rotating on existing tanks of the armed forces.

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Post by chrisswim »

It was revealed during a news conference in Tripolidom Military HQ that the country was founded upon the principal of defending Israel. Orders were given by the Pope by Vatican Decree to the Knights Templar. As membership of the Knights Templar declined and the previous Pope indicated that Tripolidom has its freedom. There is still a strong block of Templars in Parliament that the protection of Israel is an imperative of the mission.
The Merkava IV and Merkava I are being tested on gun range and conducting company level training using the 120mm or 105mm, the 60mm mortars and small arms. The Trophy systems have been tested with unmanned Merkava tanks.
Air bases in Tripolidom are used to support air operations in the region including Eurasia and Yemen.

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Post by chrisswim »

Tripoli-Dom has acquired 48 Merkava IV tanks, 5 Merkava recovery/utility vehicles.14 Namers were also acquired. Israel sent the armored vehicles a week ago.
Tripoli is acquiring used F-16.

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Post by chrisswim »

The Tripoli military is working with Israel to determine if they have any fast speed boats that are militarized in some way, if the speed of these boats is around 70-80 knots. Consulting in the Mediterranean on several of the Israel patrol boats for evaluation. Some of their boats move at 20-30 knots, some others have a speed 35-45 knots. The evaluation for the armor protection, speed, weapon systems, fuel and operational endurance are tantamount.

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Post by chrisswim »

One of the Valkyrie bombers had to land at air base in Tripoli, on the east area of the Med. 3 F-35 A and 2 C-130 to service and guard the bomber. One of the engines was showing some loss of function, it may have been just an electrical issue with information. It will be evaluated.
The Valkyrie was taxied to a secure hanger, guard posted.
Tripoli AF sent up an E-2 Hawk-eye, with two Mirage III as escort for the surveillance aircraft.

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Post by panzergator »

What in HELL are you doing with B70 Valkyries and who makes it, cuz you are actually supposed to HAVE what yet using. I KNOW what a Valkyrie is.
All blessings flow from a good mission statement.
Pogo was right. So was Ike.
"A Gentleman is a man who is only rude intentionally." (Churchill)
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Post by MechCommander »

Me too, and I sometimes wonder how they would maintain such a machine.

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Post by chrisswim »

I have them, gotta find them since my wife cleaned and organized my war room. Model kit, 1/288 scale as I recall. Had them for a decade perhaps.
Mech, Canada is able to man and maintain some Brit battleships, Swordfish, BT robots,, etc?
As for sustainability, the CoC has aggregate population Of 1 billion + across the globe. The US built when population was between 150-160 million.
Last edited by chrisswim on Fri Apr 08, 2022 3:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by panzergator »

I hesitate to comment on Horn's hopelessly obsolete force, other than equate it to if he has one Renault FT 17 and the other guy has none, then he has a fearsome tank. Of course, if the other guy has a platoon of M1s... You may recall that the Germans could noy shoot down Swordfish torpedo planes because their gun computers weren't calibrated for such a slow, obsolete plane. Nevertheless, I wouldn't count on obsolescence as a warwinning strategy. There is only so much you can do with upgrades. But you guys write your own scripts out there, hugging reality or not. It was the "not" that drove me out. Just my opinion, though.
All blessings flow from a good mission statement.
Pogo was right. So was Ike.
"A Gentleman is a man who is only rude intentionally." (Churchill)
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Post by chrisswim »

Country of Tripoli in the eastern Mediterranean, north of Israel
Tripoli International is flying in wounded from Syria.
The air force base is also having a lot of traffic in and out to Syria. Tripoli has not provided any soldiers into Syria conflict as its purpose to exist from the Knights Templar is the protection of Israel. Influence from the Pope.
Tripoli is training a battalion similar to Werewolf, but they will be identified as Grizzly Battalion for the role of close combat in urban areas.

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Post by chrisswim »

C-130 and C-17, C-160 flying out of Tripoli AF Base to Aleppo with over 1000 soldiers, and 100+ contractors. The flight sequence will slow in a few days as the ground logistics has time to build up and improve.

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Re: County Of Tripoli

Post by chrisswim »

Tripoli received two planes carrying refugees from Afghanistan.
Care is being provided.

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Re: County Of Tripoli

Post by chrisswim »

Tripoli is employing Merkava MBT and Namers, more are on order.

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