CofC hardball

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CofC hardball

Post by panzergator »

In light of recent Gator State defense acquisitions, CofC has undertaken a program of intimidation and bullying against GS. The most recent attempt involved MIRV'd ballistic missiles. GS, located in the center of continental US, has notified its ally, the US, of this threat and receivrd assurances that any launch against the GS will be regarded as a launch against its own territory.

The GS has arranged for purchase of Patriot systems to add to its defenses, as well as a battalion of cruise missiles to enable a response. These will add to the hard sites already placed around GS, integrated with US systems. Since GS agreed to not launch missiles except in coordination with the US, GS has employed other means which will ensure an independent means of replying to attack by CofC or other party if required. Such means are not based in GS.

GS recommends all independent nations to be prepared to resist CofC's methods of bullying and intimidation.
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Re: CofC hardball

Post by chrisswim »

What trash is this that I read? The GS announced that they have nuclear mines surrounding the GS. Supposedly switched off currently but ready to be switched on at any time.
When the CoC sent an Envoy to visit the GS a couple of years ago (on a commercial flight) the GS apprehended him. Then he was tarred and feathered. Not a friendly week As the tar cooled, it was difficult to get off him. The GS have been open to a visit, little did we know why they were open to a visit. Councilor Hakeem is still going through therapy 3 times a week although the MDS think the appointments could drop to 2 a week soon.
Last edited by chrisswim on Tue May 14, 2024 4:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: CofC hardball

Post by panzergator »

Actually, you sent General Fatusa, wo landed in the middle of one of our gunnery ranges. We returned his remains via ICBM.

Yes, a combat landing in the GS territory will result in your troops atomization. CofC was warned that your envoy was not welcome and that warning is repeated.

CofC is conducting an itimidation campaign against GS, in itself a justification for the GS adding two separate armored brigades, anti-missile and ant-air defense, as well as the capability to return any assault.

It should be noted GS is landlicked and possesses no capability to transport ground forces for offensive action, but it DOES have the capability to strategically punish an attack.

If you want peace, leave the GS in peace. CofC tried this once before. Another attempt will have the same result.
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Re: CofC hardball

Post by panzergator »

The United States has notified CofC that any attack on the Gator State will be considered an attack on the United States, as well. It will not tolerate further threats.
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Re: CofC hardball

Post by panzergator »

Great Britain, France, and the Federal Republic of Germany, each of whom have a brigade stationed in the GS, have joined the United States in emphasizing their intent to assist in the defense of the GS.
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Re: CofC hardball

Post by panzergator »

The U.I.N. has issued a statement condemning CofC for it's militant threats.
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Re: CofC hardball

Post by chrisswim »

The CoC thinks the leadership of the GS in on crank…. or similar.
The Commonwealth does not consider the GS a potential enemy, nor an enemy.
We expect GS to prepare for war since it wants peace.
But the GS isn’t acting that way currently.
If the UIN has passed a resolution condemning the Commonwealth, the UIN is certainly not controlled by the CoC. It’s controlled by GS, which is great since GS is not even a member of the UIN. Your influence is high, powerful, secretive, and sharp as a Samurai Sword.
. The CoC appreciates the lunacy of the GS imagination to try to create discord. Your are applying techniques of Sun Tzu: The Art of War. We compliment the GS Propaganda, Information & Marketing Dept. Very effective.

General Fatusa was from Yer Bouti. Not associated with CoC in any manner except as an adversary in political and limited military affairs.

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Re: CofC hardball

Post by panzergator »

Yes, GS is aware of the unusual nature of the UIN resolution. Since GS hardly represents an offensive threat, CofC can well-afford to let the resolution go through to reinforce its contention that the UIN is not its puppet. Such a subterfuge adds to the illusion.

GS is a very small state compared to the CofC's globe-straddling empire. It must use whatever tools it can to keep the doms at bay. Strong allies are certainly key, but not the only tool. GS seeks to mount the strongest defense of its territory possible, including the manufacture of its own weapons and vehicles.

GS does not intend to allow itself to be folded into the empire of the megalomaniacal CofC.
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Re: CofC hardball

Post by chrisswim »

UIN Security Council
Voting 5 in favor and 13 against, 3 abstained on the resolution. It is not submitted to the General Assembly.
In favor: Cuba, North Korea, Indonesia, Belarus, Venzalua.
Abstain: US, UK and EE.
Against: CoC, Ukraine, Democratic Republic on Congo, Egypt, France, Romaniadom, Greenlanddom, China, Phillipines, Netherlands, Morrocodom, Vietnam, Armenia.

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Re: CofC hardball

Post by panzergator »

And you are referring to your attempt to send in "peacekeeping" forces to GS... The resolution to which I referred earler was already approved and published. CofC's resolution failed. You cannot cloak your aggression in a UIN mantle, not that it would make a difference.

CofC wishes to take on the US, Great Britain, France, and West Germany? Just to get at li'l ol' Gator State? A landlocked small establishment that cannot threaten it, but will cost CofC its current position in the world...? Thou art indeed reckless and foolish.
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Re: CofC hardball

Post by panzergator »

GS has no patience or desire to continu this fencing. Go away.
All blessings flow from a good mission statement.
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Re: CofC hardball

Post by panzergator »

The United States has issued a warning to CofC that it will tolerate no manner of aggression towards the Gator State.
All blessings flow from a good mission statement.
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Re: CofC hardball

Post by chrisswim »

The US State Dept, the Sec. of State Rice called, “just don’t have a war of any kind. The GS are very annoying, but they do have some favorable attributes. We just have not been able to determine what they are, but they are there somewhere. We do appreciate the CoC helping us many, many times. We shall see if the GS can beat UGA in a week or so. BTW, some new BBQ restaurants open in Alexander, VA. called Carolina BBQ. Let’s go have lunch tomorrow, ok?”

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Re: CofC hardball

Post by panzergator »

Making stuff up again? Hoodwinked? Rice is not US SECSTATE. Be prepared to pay for your own dinner.

CofC "helping" the United States? LoL! The only time CofC has "helped" the United States is when CofC "helped" itself to some US territory and was chased off.

All GS units are running through another round of gunnery tables and tactical training. GS does not want war, but it WILL be damned well-prepared for it. 100 mortar tracks, 108 Bradleys, 18 Apaches, 54 M803s, 48 M109A6 155 SPs on order with local producer JK3D, LTD.
All blessings flow from a good mission statement.
Pogo was right. So was Ike.
"A Gentleman is a man who is only rude intentionally." (Churchill)
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Re: CofC hardball

Post by chrisswim »

The CoC does help the US, as they utilize bases within the Commonwealth, share info, etc.
It was not Wake Island. That annoyed them officially. Needless to say, we did leave. Had to leave the US base Bremerton & Bangor, which is known as Kitsap. Now part of the PRNW.
GS is known to be land locked. But the GS has threatened to use nukes against the Commonwealth several times. Fortunately, that has not been any ICBMs sent flying towards us or anyone else. The good hardworking citizens of the Commonwealth want peace as the citizens of the GS do as well. Let’s work hard to ensure that peace reigns.
Last edited by chrisswim on Tue May 14, 2024 4:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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