The Commonwealth of Chrisdom

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Re: The Commonwealth of Chrisdom

Post by chrisswim »

The CoC is delighted to help. Have naval task force in the area. Ships visiting Eski and Graham. To be the newest members of 5he Commonwealth on July 4. Ceremony and parades tomorrow for the celebration of membership.

Balzac Republic training in Poland.



In Chris Cam

Estoniadom Expeditionary Force with their Abrams and Bradlys land in Eski for training after celebrating the expansion of the Commonwealth. Freedom.



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Re: The Commonwealth of Chrisdom

Post by chrisswim »

HALE drone over EE detects military move towards the east, 7 Km from the Pacific.
Could be in response to CoC having deployed Balzac Republic BDE and 2 Battalions from Estoniadom Expeditionary Force in Eski, or it just might be a normal planned training operation.

T-80 moving east.



BMP-3 following T-80, air defense soldier standing in the back.


Observed in EE, T-72 TUSK followed by BTR-T 2 with 30mm vs HMG on BTR-T


Support units with bridging elements.


In Eski, the Eski Defense Force has deployed anti tank unit, moving to position. Eski forces are war gaming against Units from Estoniadom and Balzac Republic l


Development of the ‘hide’.



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Re: The Commonwealth of Chrisdom

Post by chrisswim »

Graham and Eski combat training against force of Estoniadom and Balzac Republic has concluded.
Two days of gun range then and platoon and company maneuver. This proceeded OpFor training in the field
Many, many of the M60A1 had to be towed, hauled back. Engine reliability, systems were all issues.
Just over 40% of the armor needed to be hauled back to assembly area during the 5 days of maneuvers.
Better maintenance is essential for the reliability of the armored forces of Eski and of Graham Isle.

Below is armor of 5 companies of working armor. The other 31 tanks are back at a service company being worked on.



New storage warehouses need to be added to get the armored vehicles inside. This will include support trucks, AIFV, APCs, etc.

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Re: The Commonwealth of Chrisdom

Post by chrisswim »

Eski and Graham
The Balzac Republic army units and the Estoniadom units have onboarded the transport ships and departed in the early morning hours.
An allocation from the Commonwealth to Grahamdom of 2 companies of M60 and 2 companies of M113. Many of the infantry for the M113s and trucks are from Nigeriadom, they have been training for 1 1/2 to two years.
Eski received a similar allocation of equipment.



The Commonwealth has acquired over a dozen SSN, the crews had been training for weeks, months in some cases. The navy is war-gaming with the submarines in the central Atlantic for a dozen SSNs. The rest are in the Indian Ocean for naval exercises.

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Re: The Commonwealth of Chrisdom

Post by chrisswim »

SSN on the surface east of Sardinia



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Re: The Commonwealth of Chrisdom

Post by redleg »

That's a lot of subs!

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Re: The Commonwealth of Chrisdom

Post by chrisswim »

Pacific Oeacn
Task group of 6 SSN moving to blockade Karmanaskis, 3 Sturgeon SSN and 3 LA Class improved. Sent from Eski and Graham, both adjacent to NC west coast. Reports had been circulating about patrol and gun boats of KDF Navy harassing fishing boats from Eski and from Graham Island Group. Low fly overs from KDF aircraft and intimidating visits by helicopter gunships. This may have to do with the Cannabis edict from their dictator banning all Cannabis.


In Romaniadom
Extensive in the field training exercises has resulted in vehicles with mechanical issues. Many hauled on trucks for repairs, some in the field repairs and a few to be recovered. Weather was not the best, but provided great training for terrain that became more difficult.

Some vehicles used on Operation Rum Training 22, images below. All camo is Aussie (Chris Cam) Camouflage





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Re: The Commonwealth of Chrisdom

Post by chrisswim »

One of the groups in convoy headings east in Jordan on Hwy 40, the Baghdad International Highway.
The Joint Base Eagle (JBE) that Jordan and the PRNW operate. Jordan has permitted the CoC to deploy the 3rd BDE of the 48th Armored Division, since in compliance with the UIN Resolutions. The PR and Information Group is being organized.

Some pictures of Commonwealth equipment moving down the Highway.





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Re: The Commonwealth of Chrisdom

Post by chrisswim »

More convoys on the way to JBE in eastern Jordan

Convoy escorts lead the way.


Namer 2 and Merkava IV.

MLRS being hauled to JBE.


Merkava IV in convoy recorded by a drone.


Cargo, supplies on the move.


EOD vehicles may be called to help save lives and equipment.


Medical elements



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Re: The Commonwealth of Chrisdom

Post by chrisswim »

Another Commonwealth convoy headed to Joint Base Eagle in the eastern section of Jordan.
This is in response to the UIN sanctions against PAC forces in Iraq. If everything works out then this will serve as a great training logistical endeavor. Needing to move the equipment, the men, the fighting vehicles, ammo, support resources which is over 10 times what’s needed for the fight.

The lead of the convoy.


Ratel in front of vehicle hauling an M113 followed by a Merkava and another M113.







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Re: The Commonwealth of Chrisdom

Post by chrisswim »

Training in Chicoviadom, Abrams and Bradleys learning how to work together, communicate, help and support each other
In a Combined Arms maneuver exercise.






The Commonwealth picked up surplus M2 Bradleys, M1A1 Abrams, trucks, armored Hummvs, M6 Linebackers, M60, M113, etc.
Building stocks in the event of conflict against any near term opponent.

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Re: The Commonwealth of Chrisdom

Post by redleg »

That's an impressive looking force!

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Re: The Commonwealth of Chrisdom

Post by chrisswim »

Near JBE, some training with armor taking place as security platoon rolls by.



Mine detection vehicles towed to an area that is suspected to have some mines that have been buried. Because these vehicles are light weight along with their tires they have such a Low Level of weight per square inch, making these vehicles valuable.


Last edited by chrisswim on Thu Jun 01, 2023 8:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Commonwealth of Chrisdom

Post by chrisswim »

Turn 1
To the west, 3rd Bde / 48th Div encountered a PAC roadblock at the intersection of highway 12 and 19. Mortar fire was directed at the CoC while they were clearing the roadblock, but there were no casualties. CoC scouts identified BMP-3s approximately 3.5 km north-east of the intersection. The BMPs were withdrawing to the east and scouts lost sight of them as they passed to the north of the town.

The ROD Dagger Brigade turned west and reached the riverbank with no enemy contact.

Turn 2
The 3 BDE of the 48 Div. was ordered to take the town of Haqlaniyah. 1st BAT, with Co A Merkava IV watching to the west and west of town. Co B, Merkava IV supporting Co C Namer 2 assaulting the western side of the town.
*2nd BAT secures east of Haqlaniyah Co.A Merkava IV, near the Euphrates looking north and northwest to eliminate retreating PAC forces. Co B with Merkava IV, fire support into town as Co. C Namer 2 infantry assault the town on the east side.
* 3rd BAT from the south with Co.A, Merkava IV, provide direct fire support. Co.B on the left and Co.C on the right, both mech infantry in Namer 2. Infantry move north in town with the fire support and engineers assisting.

Turn 2 Resolution: CoC and RPNW brigades assaulted the city of Haqlaniya last night, securing the town on both sides of the river. On the west bank, 3rd Brigade / 48th Division set a cordon and systematically cleared the city from south to north. Initial resistance was light until 3rd battalion got into the center of town when they met a counter-attack by light infantry. The counter-attack was repelled with heavy losses to the PAC. House to house fighting ensued. The CoC infantrymen prevailed but 3rd battalion suffered 20 casualties. 85 PAC prisoners were taken and 240 PAC KIA identified.

During the effort to clear the town, 1st battalion was attacked from the north by a battalion of PAC BMP-3s. After an exchange of tank fire and ATGMs the PAC battalion withdrew leaving 12 burning BMPs behind. 1 Namer was destroyed by ATGM fire.

The ROD Dagger Brigade secured the CoC’s southern flank and then passed through at approximately 0300. The brigade moved north along highway 19 in pursuit of fleeing PAC forces. The headquarters units of the Karkadann Brigade were engaged on the north side of the Wadi Ashwa and destroyed.

Situation at the end of Turn 2. PAC forces in the city of Haqlaniya have been destroyed with negligent friendly losses. Remnants of PAC mech infantry and artillery have fled to the north.


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Re: The Commonwealth of Chrisdom

Post by chrisswim »

Turn 3 Resolution:
ROD’s Dagger Brigade continued the pursuit of PAC forces from Haqlaniya into the southern neighborhoods of Haditha. Running engagements soon encountered prepared defenses and fortified positions. 1-8 Infantry, reinforced with a tank company and a combat engineer company, systematically reduced the obstacles and strong points working south to north. 2-8 Infantry and 2-2 Armor set cordons and kept the PAC forces isolated during the attack. A counter-attack by PAC infantry with BMP-3 support resulted in a close quarter fight that destroyed 3 ROD Bradleys and resulted in 34 ROD casualties. PAC casualties were 85 KIA and 20 prisoners, as well as 8 BMP-3s destroyed. The Dagger Brigade advanced to the LOA and halted.

The Pan Oceanic Brigade advance through the village of Barwana, encountering a PAC roadblock which they eliminated with no casualties. They advanced to the bridge over the Euphrates and they came under heavy artillery fire which destroyed 1 Marder of the 88th Mech, but they pressed on to the bridge and held their position on the west side, poised to enter the city of Haditha.

The CoC’s 3rd Brigade / 48th Division advanced to the west of Haditha with 2 combined arms battalions. 1st Battalion encountered the remnants of the PAC mech infantry battalion and a meeting engagement ensued. The PAC attacked from the CoC’s left flank destroying 1 Namer and 1 Merkava with ATGM fire, but the CoC units maneuvered and returned fire destroying the PAC unit. 16 BMPs were destroyed and117 PAC KIA were recovered.

Nearby, the PAC artillery battalion that fired on the Pan Oceanic Brigade was detected when they initiated their fire mission. The CoC MLRS battalion conducted a counter fire mission that devastated the 2 batteries of D30 howitzers. CoC 2nd Battalion advanced through the PAC artillery position only to find wreckage and dangerous secondary explosions of 122mm artillery ammunition.

The RPNW Brigade remains in position to form the division reserve and secure the Division Support Area. The 1st QRF Battalion was detached from the brigade, and they used the speed of their Stryker vehicles to move north-east on Highway 19 to the city of Baiji to secure the K2 airfield and prepare for the DC’s next move north.


The two Namers that were hit and the Merkava have been picked up by Hemtt tank haulers for evaluation of armor. One namer appears to be a complete write off. The KIA have all been sent back for proper honor ceremonies.

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