Canada (Imagi-Nation)

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Re: Canada (Imagi-Nation)

Post by redleg »

ROD First Fleet Headquarters

The Admiral is sitting at a table in a conference room with his intelligence and operations officers. He has just read an intelligence assessment about New Canada’s intent to fly a retarded stealth aircraft over the BANGEX.

ADM: “Is this a joke?”

Intel: “It’s hard to tell, Sir, but it seems legit. It was broadcast on a routine news program. They typically don’t have much of a sense of humor, and historically they aren’t capable of deception operations.”

ADM: “What do you think, CHOPS?”

Ops: “I think it’s a really bad idea.”

ADM: “You are a man of few words.”

Ops: *Nods*

ADM: “Weren’t you aboard the Fury when the NC squadron attempted the mutiny?”

Ops: *Nods*

ADM: “What would you do if you were in command, CHOPS?”

Ops: “Burn Ottawa to the ground.”

ADM: “It’s probably a good thing you aren’t in command.”

Ops: *Nods*

ADM: “Send a FRAGO to the BANGEX group. Aerial drones will be deployed against the ships as part of the exercise. Any aircraft within 10 miles of our ships are to be engaged and destroyed.”

ADM: *Very pleased with himself* We have drones we can send out there for them to shoot down, right?”

Ops: *Nods*

Intel: “Should we notify the New Canadians?”

ADM: “Nope. Stupidity should be painful.”

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Re: Canada (Imagi-Nation)

Post by chrisswim »

… a dream….
CoC Naval HQ, Monacodom.
Adm: We’ll yawal, so the NC forces are finally getting caught up. Where’s the intel guy…. Please introduce yourself.

Intel guy: call me Carl Intel. The Retirement portfolio of the CoC military owns about 4% of the paint supplier of NC. The hedge fund, Between the Hedges owns about 9% of the company. Through our agents, we have been able to insert some compounds into the paint that lights up when hit with two different radar bands simultaneously. But let me tell you. That paint, to be effective will need 2.13 inches of paint where ever they do not want the echo, the ping to be returned. Lose 37.2% of its aerodynamic lift/control. Best thing it’s electronics lose 87- 92% of their capabilities. We know it will not affect the Mk.1 eyeball to spot. So they are flying WW2, Korea, and Vietnam all over again.

Cmdr Roberts: (has an MBA), wonder if we should get the paint company to increase the price per gallon to $275,000 gallon from $200,000…?

… wakes up laughing…!

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Re: Canada (Imagi-Nation)

Post by MechCommander »

Prince Rupert BC

The Lockheed Electra "Grey Ghost", has just arrived at the Airport in Prince Rupert for refuelling before it's eventful test flight tomorrow in the afternoon.
meanwhile a Gala is being held by Avro Canada.

"This is NCBC Corespondent Ken Lowe here, at the Avro Canada Gala in the Prince Rupert Hotel and Conference Centre. here"s Carl Wainwright with his words.

(audience clapping)

(Carl Wainwright): "Ladies and Gentleman, Thank you all for coming to this Gala. Tomorrow you will witness history of NC Aviation being made, as our Company's Electra the Grey Ghost, will carry out its maiden flight to test out our newly invented Radar Absorbent Material, by flying it over the ships from NC's ally the ROD, while they conduct their Bangex exercise this week, should this work and the Grey Ghost remains undetected, it will usher in a new era of military aircraft for New Canada and to our Pact friends."

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Re: Canada (Imagi-Nation)

Post by MechCommander »

This is NCBC News the National here is Dale Mansbridge.

(Dale Mansbridge):"Good evening, In a last minute decision by Avro Canada in the afternoon. They have expressly ordered Carl Wainwright to immediately stop his flying experiment with his Radar Absorbent Material invention and to bring the aircraft back to Ontario. The motive behind the company's decision was to avoid impending disaster, as they considered Wainwright's experiment to be "reckless and insane all for the sake of his invention." Joining us is our corespondent Ken Lowe at the Prince Rupert Airport, now Ken what do you think about the Company's decision to terminate this experiment?"

(Ken Lowe): "I believe they made the right choice on this one Dale. As at first I was very excited by Carl's invention and the flight when I first interviewed him last week at the factory in Ontario, but you got to remember Dale, the ROD's military is a rather professional military, and flying a foreign aircraft like the Grey Ghost over their Bangex exercise, without an invite by them. Would have been a Terrible mistake."

(Dale Mansbridge): "Indeed it is a terrible mistake that has been avoided, that was NCBC Corespondent Ken Lowe in Prince Rupert BC. In related news the President of Bombardier Aerospace, the Producers of New Canada's only 5th Generation Fighter the CF-21, has this to say about this near-incident."

(BA President): "I am happy that Avro has quietly cancelled Carl's crazy stunt. As it would have looked bad for NC aviation in General."
Last edited by MechCommander on Wed Feb 21, 2024 2:58 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Canada (Imagi-Nation)

Post by MechCommander »

Canadiar is looking into producing their own 5th Gen Fighter as well. But unlike Bombardier's method of buying the Airframes from KAI, Theirs will be built in their Factory in Montreal from scratch. They are going to base their design on the X-32. the hope is to produce a low cost 5th Gen fighter as a alternative to the KF-21 program.

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Re: Canada (Imagi-Nation)

Post by MechCommander »

Avro Canada Main factory Toronto Canada.

Travis J Floyd has recently become the new head of the Avro Invisi-Paint project, replacing Carl Wainwright. His plan to test the Ram Paint will be in a more safer and secure location. He and a test crew will fly the Lockheed Electra "Grey Ghost", over the Radar Station at CFB Toronto to make the initial Stealth Run to make sure the paint works. then afterwards go from there. His hopes is to solve the puzzle on how to make aircraft totally invisible to enemy radar.

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Re: Canada (Imagi-Nation)

Post by redleg »

I see you tested your paint on an F-117.


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Re: Canada (Imagi-Nation)

Post by MechCommander »

CFB Toronto.
(Travis): "Tower this is the Grey Ghost, commencing first test of the Avro Invisi-paint."

(Control Tower): "Rodger Grey Ghost, proceed to flyover the radar station."

(Travis): "Rodger Tower flying over now."

(Travis): "Tower this is Grey Ghost, did the paint Work?"

(Control Tower): "Negative Grey Ghost we can spot you on radar."

(Travis): "Dang, alright crew lets wrap this up and head back to the Avro hanger."


Back at the Avro Hanger

(Travis): "Ok so the paint did not do well on the Electra, any ideas?"

(Dan Leon): "Maybe try a smaller aircraft like the Avro Canuck or a Firebee drone?"

(Travis): "Ok lets try those two suggestions."

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Re: Canada (Imagi-Nation)

Post by Hoth_902 »

You are killing me smalls. The size of the aircraft has nothing to do with it. Although it does help. I should end this hear but I really can't help myself... engineering brain kicking in.

The fundamentals of stealth is not that it makes the aircraft invisible to radar, because it does not. In reality it shrinks the radar signature so that its harder for the radar to detect. So, in the case of the F-22, its radar cross section might be the size of a small bug. Its there, the radar can see it, but because the radar signature is so small, it will not trigger alarms. Now, this part I am not sure of, but I think as you get closer to the radar station, the aircraft might be easier to see. That last part is only based on a graphic I saw that indicated as much.

In your exercise, the Radar absorbent paint could have worked just fine. In fact it might have done its job and the large aircraft, that you operated, would probably appear as a smaller aircraft than what it actually is. I understand this is all make believe, but please can you do a little research and use that in your story so it makes sense.... You are seriously hurting my brain and every time you say something like this, an engineer somewhere looses his slide rule.
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Re: Canada (Imagi-Nation)

Post by 7.62 »

Karmanaskis flew several different prototypes over the years before selecting an operational system.
Some test aircraft are now parked out the back of the Air Force museum (over 2 years now)


The first Karma-Jet 20* Unit became fully operational last year. A second KJ-20 unit is working up.

KJ-20 *Artist impression unconfirmed by KDF.
Last edited by 7.62 on Thu Feb 29, 2024 11:53 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Canada (Imagi-Nation)

Post by redleg »

Karma has some great looking aircraft! I hope some of them will come to the Fighter Rodeo next month in the ROD!

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Re: Canada (Imagi-Nation)

Post by MechCommander »

New Canada eventually did receive their 5th Generation fighter in the form of the Bombardier CF-21, a NC variant of South Korea's KF-21 Bromae. it's prototype flew last year in December at their plant in Dorvel Quebec. It was acquired after Bombardier Aerospace signed a exclusive production deal with KAI, where KAI builds and ships the Airframes to Bombardiers Main Factory where they install the electronics for the final assembly. currently about 20 CF-21s are known to be active with Bombardiers own Factory Demo Squadron. with plans to Equip RCAF's No 409 Squadron of 4th Wing Cold Lake with the new fighters. and once the KF-21N is introduced it will equip one squadron in the RCN 1st Carrier Air Wing (HMCS Canada). New Canada is planning on sending these to the ROD fighter rodeo this coming March.

NC's Pact ally the Kingdom of Da Vinci has received their KF-21 Variant as well the Fiat GF.21 Aquila.

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Re: Canada (Imagi-Nation)

Post by MechCommander »

Avro Canada hanger Ontario

(Dan Leon):" You know Travis I had a thought? What if the shape of the Aircraft makes a difference when it comes to remaining undetected. like say some sharp angles on the frame that will reflect the radar away from the aircraft combine it with our Ram Paint should have the desired effect."

(Travis): "Hmm interesting idea? Bombardiers CF-21s does have that kind of sharp look for that."

(Dan Leon): "looks like it though I think will ask Bombardier if they would lend us one of their fighters to test this theory."

(Travis): " I'll Make the call.”
Last edited by MechCommander on Mon Feb 26, 2024 12:08 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Canada (Imagi-Nation)

Post by MechCommander »

Last edited by MechCommander on Sun Feb 25, 2024 11:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Canada (Imagi-Nation)

Post by redleg »

What a great idea! Do they know they are about 40 years behind the curve on this?

The ROD Minister of Defense has ordered the Joint Staff to develop a plan for regime change in NC. The second largest nation on earth by land mass is being run by idiots, and that is a threat to global stability.

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