top ten list

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top ten list

Post by RedLeif »

So I am not an N-scaler but I Iove N scale models
her are mytop 10 model cars I would buy if GHQ Made them:
1940 Packard
1949 Chevy Fleetline
1949 Olds' 88
1950 Dodge 1/2-Ton Pickup (civ)
1953 Ford F100 truck
1953 Hudson Hornet
1953 Studebaker Champion
1955 Chevy Bell Aire
1955 Ford Thunderbird
1956 VW Beetle
1959 Chevy Corvette
I too see that the people that in habit my layout are a)wealthy and b) like to drive pretty fast cars. :)
But I would also have few 30's era Ford Model A's lining the sidewalks.

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Re: top ten list

Post by StarCruiser »

While I'd love GHQ to get this line going again - I rather doubt they will anytime soon.

The ONLY thing that I think would revive it would be if GHQ decided to expand out into 10mm gaming miniatures as well as the classic Micro Armor.
They already had a M4 Sherman, M3 Half Track and the still in production M1 Abrams in true N Scale for loads. Expand out from those and maybe that could justify some additional common vehicles to go along.

That MIGHT even get them to re-scale some of the N Scale stuff to 1/285 - finally get some appropriate civilian vehicles....?
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