The Commonwealth of Chrisdom

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Post by chrisswim »

News from the Wolf at CNNN reports that US air attacks supporting military forces loyal to the Libyan Government. The air strikes have made a significant different forcing the ISIL terrorist organzation to retreat to smaller towns and villages. Some groups of the terrorists have been seen moving towards Tunisdom. It is suspected that some groups of terrorists have entered Tunisdom.
It is reported that security forces from the Commonwealth and para-military guards units from Tunisdom have activated patrols, Un-named sources have stated that these soldiers are carrying combat loads. Tire tracks have been detected. Several flights of Mi-24 A Hind helicopters have been deployed on a search with authorization to engage with lethal force.

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Post by 7.62 »

Last edited by 7.62 on Sun Apr 04, 2021 10:38 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by chrisswim »

I posted pics on my Public Info page FB: Chris's Micro Armor.
Sending drones out, some Predators we bought from the US.
Discovered and I.D. a force: 2 rusting M60, couple T55, PT76, several armored cars including BRDM2 AT-5, V100, pickups and infantry walking. Out of the 15 M60 that left the militia base, only 2 running, or they are moving elsewhere. We are not sure how many T-55 and PT-76 began the journey.
We may need to move more defense assets into Tunisadom. 1 to keep an eye on the local revolutionaries, 2 to watch out for terrorist, and 3 defend against the Libyan militia. Our work is never completed.
Our naval construction program has been extremely slow. There is a backlog of ship that need to be built including the Tico Cruiser, the Sea-Land Assault Support Ships and the LCS (littorial combat ships).
On a transportation and logistics note, it is reported the the MV Horton just ported at Scapa Flow a recently, no other information is available at this time. None of the crew were interested to see where the Royal Oak was torpedoed and capsized by Capt Pinen in WW2.
The Department of Military & Economic Minister announces the intent to supply equipment to Hector Protectorate of military and farming equipment, Includes tractors and dozers, transport vehicles along with patrol vehicles and infantry carrying armored trucks, along with haulers of some sort. This may be transported by one of several remaining operational Liberty Ships from WW2. The Commonwealth is delighted to help in the economic development of our friendly allies and peace loving countries.

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Post by chrisswim »

Minister of Economic Development for the Commonwealth of Chrisdom, and owner of Tall Building Custodial Services, Minister Ding-Bat announces that the MV Horton did make port a few days ago in Balzac Republic, and all material was off-loaded according to inventory reports. There were 3 lug nuts missing from the John Deere Tractors, and a complete and through investigation will commence immediately upon arrival of the 12 man/woman investigation team, due to arrive by private Lear jet in Balzac within the hour. The Team will investigate process, procedures, paperwork and people to determine how these lug nuts are not accounted for.
The Defense Minister announces the receipt of 3 companies of Merkava IV MBTs, 2 Companies of Merkava II, Merkava I, along with some Namer AIFVs, (the numbers not disclosed), The Merkava IV and Namers were paid for in a cash transaction in USD, while the Merkava I & II, were provided on upon basis of long term contract for parts. Included in the negotiation and contract is a technology transfer and confidentiality agreement. The Commonwealth has an option to acquire more military defense equipment if needed on a favorable basis. Additionally, the Commonwealth Logistics Group will provide parts and service for Cobras, Apaches, F-15, F-16, F-4, CH-53 an Hueys for the IDF.
Col Mednelson, made note upon receiving the Merkava IVs for training last week, "that the armor and survivability of the Merkava and its crew is critical factor in the selection process and deployment to Tunisadom to fight rebels and terrorist from Libya. The 60mm mortar that is able to be targeted and fired from inside the tank is a significant advantage along with being able to carry a small infantry team. Last week, terrorist were engaged in 3 significant firefights, which included armor. The CCDF were able to knock out 4 tanks, several APCs and trucks, capturing 36 EPWs. Unfortunately, the CCDF Army Group T lost 2 M47E2, armed with 105mm rifled gun.
The Commonwealth Secretary of the Navy announces the agreement to acquire Visby Corvettes. The Visby will be used primarily for patrol, mine detection, light assault and support duties. The Naval Affairs Office released some prepared information that the budget increase the last few years have provided for contract for updated naval vessels to be delivered. The funds have been encumbered for these asset to protect our Commonwealth and our lifestyle against tyranny and aggression.
The Army Chief, General Slung Rifle, has announced that he has flown the coup, errr... to Russia and is in discussions to acquire some military defense hardware that may be useful to the CCDF Army. More details later.

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Post by chrisswim »

Working on Tank Destroyers for my I-magine-Nation: the Commonwealth.
Received some equipment and vehicles, need to have them inspected and then maintenance completed. T-72, AMX30, AMX10P, BMP-2, Hummers, Boxers, Luchs, Jaguars, Itilis,Russian truck (2 -7 ton), T-64,VAB, T-55, BRDM 2, BMD, Scorpin, DAF trucks, M109, Unimog 2 ton trucks, Challangers 2, Warriors AIFV, ZSU-57-2, ZSU-23-4, BRDM- AT, T-55, OH-1, M-35, Tornados, Mig 23s, Mi-8, SAU-152, SAU-122, M1A1, M2 Bradleys, MH-60, UH-60, Lynx, V-22, Harriers, AH-64, Mi-24A, Leopard 2, Leopard 2A6, SA-8, YPR-765, LeClerc, Marder AIFV, Gerpards, Rolands, AS-90, Pzrhbtz2000, Gazelle, AH Tiger, Tigr AFV, etc. About 700 vehicles recently recieved by the depot. some have seen battle, all the others have been deployed and surplus by their respective governments. This and more bring re-worked in the Depots located on the Belearic Islands east of Spain (in my Imagination- a few more and larger....).
May send some AMX-30, AMX-10P and recon to Moroccodom and the Challenger 2 and Warriors to Tunisadom in a tan/desert camo. The AH64 A to Moroccodom and the Hinds (6-Cool and Gazelles helos to Tunisadom. The purpose is to look for, track, hunt and eliminate the terrorist entering from Libya.
On a secret note, we may enter Algeria to help and so they may enter the Commonwealth. We do it for control, for economics, and to help educate those people. The citizens of Moroccodom and Tunisadom have fared far better than Algeria. 34,000,000 people. Many in their government have asked to join the Commonwealth. We would want a resolution by their Parliament and their administration.
Have some Patria AMV surrogates being accumulated for shipping to D.C. or is it D.F.D.C. (David).
Rebels/terrorists still are leaving libya entering the Commonwealth through Tunisadom. This has resulted in skirmishes along the border, both side of the border. The M47E2 that we purchased from Spain with the 105mm gun are not working well in the rough terrain of the dessert. The gun, sighting and capability is fine, the engine reliability is lacking along with the armor for an RPG-7V or another ATGM. We may need to take Israel up on the Maglich series of M48 for deployment with a better, newer and more reliable engine and with the extra armor application. That and deploy some Tank destroyers and rooikat 2-35 (has 2 rapid fire 35mm anti-material cannons), along with helicopter support and drones.

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Post by chrisswim »

CNNN's the Wolf:
The Defense Dept of the Commonwealth has reported that the SeaLand Jacksonville has left Israel with military equipment. It had been announced that several companies of Merkava IV, Magach 7, Maerkava 2, to Manacodom, the capital of Chrisdom then proceed to Tunis, Tunisadom,; then later to Moroccodom. Additionally, various drone prototypes and models have been shipped for testing and evaluation. The department representative, Col Bullhead said that the Merkava IV are to be deployed in Tunisadom along with some Puma AIFV recently acquired from Germany.
The situation with occasional infiltration from Libya still occurs in Tunisadom, becoming problematic to farmers, small business owners and citizens living in smaller towns and villages. they are susceptible to these incursions from Libya. Even though there are ground and airborne patrol that identify, engage and at times capture or run off these terrorist groups, it continues. This causes stress, destruction and death, along with economic degradation. The Commonwealth has addressed this in Parliament, to stop these horrible acts of terror. Even certain fringe groups Algeria is embolden to inflict terror.
The development of the naval forces of the Commonwealth is moving slowly, The development of sophisticated sensors, weapon systems, along with the information architecture for ship is a daunting task. Civil & commercial construction by the Commonwealth does well, both in new construction and the service & repair. Utilizing plans from the US for construction of LCS Freedom Class ships is slow in the construction. Attempting ships that are more robust will be conducted at a later stage. Included in this group would be a Ticonderoga Cruiser, Arliegh Burke Destroyer, etc. The acquisition of submarines would be a quantum leap froward. But it is needed to provide AA, AS, and U/W defense capabilities to protect the Canberra Class ships.
More information will be released when our staff members are no longer affected by pneumonia, 'blank' epileptic seizures, and those that finish their speaking circuit tour.
The Commonwealth is committed to the safety, economic growth and stability of the region of the western Med.

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Post by 7.62 »

Last edited by 7.62 on Sun Apr 04, 2021 10:38 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by chrisswim »

Most of the Ground Armored Fighting Vehicles for the Commonwealth. First column is the type of fighting vehicle, second column is the number currently in the operational groups or expected within 6 months. The final column is the number allocated to the maintenance, repair and training shops.
Merkava IV 76 4
Merkava II 62 4
Merkava 1 14 1
M1A1 AIM 76 5
LeClerc* 44 2 Used for parades in the capital, and to defend if necessary, in 3 tone NATO camo.
Magach 7 32 2
M41 30 2
Leopard 1A1 30 2
Leopard 1A5 44 4
M47 E2 44 14
M47 E1 14 36
AMX30B2 41 4
Areite 30 2
M551 30 8
SK105 44 5
JagPanzer Kanone 12 3
Centauro* 20 2 A company in the capital for parades, 3-tone NATO camo.
M901 60 3

Puma 58 4
CV9040 75 4
Namer 42 4
Aichutltiz 30 22
Dardo 30 8
Bushmaster 60 5
M113AS4 60 9
M113 100 15
VBCI* 44 6 In the capital for parades and defense, 3-tone NATO.
They are spread over the Commonwealth including the islands in the med (actual and imaginary).

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Post by chrisswim »

Internal military orders....High Top Secret.
-The battalion training at Ft Stockton, Florida, USA is to embark on their ships, for transit back to the Commonwealth. Additional troops and equipment will be matched up in Morroco-dom. Some soldiers are to be airlift from NAS Jacksonville for flight to Morroco-dom for close-quarter drill.
-Armored and Mech Infantry units are activated in the territory of Manaco-dom, ready to embark equipment on transports, to service vehicles. They are to ship to Corsica West for 4 days of training and orders.
-Canberra LSD is to finish refit by Tuesday for shake-down cruise with 'Task Force M' TF-M is then proceed to embark men, supplies, equipment for transit and further orders.
-Tusnia-dom unit are to increase patrols along border with Libya for 5 days, to demonstrate activily against rebel-terrorist groups from Libya that wish to enter. 14 Battalion is to stand-down immediately to work on maintenance, supplies, etc. 14 Battalion is then to patrol the border aggressively for 9 days, then to monitor and counter any incursions. The 15th and 16 Battalions are to then take truck and rail transport of all equipment to prepare for combat to the west (Algeria). Along the border on the 24, 15/16 will be matched with a Leopard 1A5 battalion.
-Further order to be sent, highest level of security traffic, communication, movement, is to be employed.

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Post by chrisswim »

Report from sea on the CNNN by the Wolf:
It is reported by the Defense Ministry that two ocean going vessel collided at sea in the early morning hours. It is blamed on the bright sunlite shining on the glass of the bridge along with the swells. The Department of Fishing reports that a fishing trawler bumped into a small corvette at sea with high wind, swells and a bright sun. Pilot error is being investigated.
There are unconfirmed reports that two warships bumped during refueling heading east fro the US base NS Mayport. Satellite imagery from other sources, suggesting Putinville or Google Earth did indicate that the swells did occur early in daylight hours. A tanker bumped into a Commonwealth Destroyer of the Gearing FRAM class of ships. The Gearing FRAM are WW2 destroyers produced by the USA, with upgrades to many systems, including AA missiles for self-defense. There is no information if any petro was spilled into the ocean and if so, how much may have been deposited into the sea. .
Reporters in Manaco Defense Department Press Club were only allowed to answer a few questions. It was noted by the regular Press Gang there that those called on to answer questions had very short hair cuts, resembling military style. None were know to anyone. The initial information was released by the Canadian Fishing Ministry. This reporter wants to know why the refueling was taking place during sea-state 5, with the swells. Is there a reason for the speed? Is there?
The guard at the Palace in Manaco, the Capital of Manaco-dom and the Commonwealth have been beefed up. There are a few more people and security in either Green or Tan camo as opposed to the typical summer khaki wit pith helmets. Many are wearing Kevlar helmets and flak jackets on motorized patrol. There is a significant change, we need to know why. When the Minister of War was seen at dinner with his grandchildren hosting the Spanish and French Military Attache, he replied that he did not know but would check into it. Something is fishy and it is not COD!

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Post by chrisswim »

Intel info... the invasion was delayed for 2 weeks, with the Hurricane and swells. Operation Freedom was then cancelled. The plans dept and staff are working on developing new plans for the Liberation of Algeria, Plan Operation Freedom 2. Operation Tidal is the elimination of certain elements in Algeria to reduce or stop the murder of civilians and civil unrest. The planning for Operation Freedom 2 may take place in February (at Rapier). The moon and tides should be more favorable.
The development of the naval forces of the Commonwealth are critical for this operation. The security of the perimeter, the air cover and lift are critical for this along with the secret positioning of assets east and west of the target country without knowledge being gained.
Specifically, the naval situation is:
I am currently working on a fleet for the Commonwealth of Chrisdom.
Active in the fleet currently are:
2 Type 212 subs, purchased from Germany
2 Astute Class subs, purchased from the UK.
1 Canberra Class carrier, purchased from Spain.
1 DDG, purchased from GE, electric boat division.

Under contruction
1 Visby (1/350)
2 Visby (1/700) small patrol boats
1 FSM (fire support monitor), waiting on twin 5 inch turrets, and 1 triple 16inch turret if one can be found.
1 Tortugas LST

In design, early or late stage, ready to be put in production
HMS Ilustrious carrier
1 USS Florida SSGM sub and an un-name sister sub.
3 Virginia class subs
2 SeaWolf subs
1 Los Angles Class Imp
1 Akula
1 Newport LST
4 Diego LST modified for helos
1 DDG being shipped from the US, need modification for the Commonwealth.
1 Visby (1/350).
2 car carriers modified for armor
1 freighter
***the ships/subs are in 1/350 scale or to be modified to compliment the 1/285 micro armor. Posted pics on FB: Chris's Micro Armor

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Post by chrisswim »

The Wolf reporting from CNNN:
The Illustrious is in the docks, expect to be completed in two months time, along with New York (San Diego). Work on new production plant, engines, intakes, etc., on the Illustrious. These two ships being added to the Fleet of the Commonwealth will provide capability for defense of the Realm along with some capability for offensive landing assault operations, which is envisioned to help deter any aggressiveness against the Commonwealth.
The subs in the fleet are effective monitoring the Straits of Gibraltar out into the Atlantic and to the west in the Med. The Astute Class subs are able to extend patrol time on station and distance, which greatly enhances the capability. When the purchases of the Los Angeles Class sub, Akula, and 3 Virginia Class subs. The two SeaWof subs are having maintenance in Norfolk, VA and New Port Shipyards, respectively. The two SSGM Ohio class subs are being retro-fitted for the Commonwealth along with extensive evaluation.
The Fire Support Monitor 1, named the CCS Monitor, is going through trails. A few more elements will modified. It has been cruising along with Canberra, DDG Casablanca, and a Visby Class Patrol Ship and Dry Tortugas LST. Modifications are to be made for other Visby Class ships.
Contractors have looked at Wasp Class ship for production, I might be a purchase off the Construction Dry Dock if discussions are successful. The smaller LSTs are need of funds for production and time in an open construction dry dock.
Air power is being enhanced with F-35s for the air force and the navy along with F-22 for the air force. The CCAF has been conducting training in the US with the purchase of these ships and moved to the Island of York in the Med(imaginary) where there is a large US base established.
For naval assault, the OKW is considering the M1A1s AIMs and the AMX-30-B2. The AMX offer a lighter vehicle, so less likely to be bogged down on a beach, but it gives up firepower and survivability with less armor protection and systems. The M1A1 AIM offers the improved firepower of a 120mm cannon, targeting and acquisition system advantages, but it weighs over 60 tonnes.

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UIN Resolution

Post by chrisswim »

The Commonwealth, after speaking with the finance Minister of the UIN, has been given some bad news. Since the Commonwealth has as its capital in Europe it would be required to collect and pay the 1% National Sales Tax to the UIN. This would be on all territories of the Commonwealth. The question was asked if Tunisadom would be required if it was independent state it would not be subject to the tax. The same applies with many other counties.
The UIN Finance Minister, Mr. Francs stated that the tax would apply on all transaction by the independent consortium in the Island in the Med (Beleric, Corsica, etc) on the sales. Any reporting would be extensive and must be thorough. Even on the foreign militaries tha have bases on the islands of the the Commonwealth, such as the US military base, the British, French and Spanish bases.

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Post by panzergator »

It seems that someone has set out on this tax idea without doing a little bit of research to determine what the consequences might be.

Perhaps, chrisswim, you are unaware of the meaning of "hoist with your own petard."

Care to guess?
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Pogo was right. So was Ike.
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Post by chrisswim »

Thank you for the communication, it was delight to read. As for my guess, I appreciate the warning or is it a threat? The direction of your vigor on the issue of 1% Global Flat tax is misguided.
You should speak with the acting President(dictator and murderer) Fatusa of West Africa. We will abide by International rules of State and decorum, unless he should ever step back in the Commonwealth.
But it is not your concern any longer since you have withdrawn from the UIN. Or was that grandstanding.

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