U. I. N. United Imagi-Nations.

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Post by Guroburov »

In the face of continued belligerent threats, the People's Republic of G has ordered the readiness of all military forces. The reserves are being brought into maintenance. We are pleased to announce the acceptance of limited stockpiles of armored assets from Russia for storage and renovation. Ongoing negotiations for helicopter and aircraft are overshadowed by a breakdown in talks over basing rights for the Russian Navy. We hope to clear all of the misunderstandings quickly.


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Post by panzergator »

Guroburov, the only danger you face from the Gator State is if you should join those UIN cretins in its effort to impose its will on a sovereign nation. The only expeditionary action contemplated by the Gator State is that necessary to discourage the UIN from its misguided intent to rob us of our independence. Given the distribution of members of the Gator State all over the globe contributing to the well-being of nations, the UIN is liable to encounter quite an uprising in unexpected places. The citizens of the Gator State are not inclined to interfere with other nations or their governments, but if it's a fight someone is looking for, just keep in mind that our citizens receive a minimum of three years' training in weapons, tactics, and an additional 2 years training and practical experience in guerilla/counter-guerilla operations. The UIN is advised to refrain from interfering with our sovereignty, however, the landing of ANY "green men" or conventional combat forces in the Gator State will be met with overwhelming force. "Find the bastards and PILE ON!" You will all go home with your radioactive tails between your legs and you will be much poorer for it, not to mention, YOU WON'T HAVE YOUR DAMNED TAX! Anything you take away from us will be so radioactive you won't WANT to use it.
All blessings flow from a good mission statement.
Pogo was right. So was Ike.
"A Gentleman is a man who is only rude intentionally." (Churchill)
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Post by chrisswim »

General Fatusa of West Africa....."this is the sort of aggressive behavior of the Gators State that worries the world. Worries all the good people of the world. For 1 %, ONE lousy percent, the Gator State is ready to endorse war, even nuclear war. This is exactly what the world needs to protect us.
The Government of Ethiopia and Trinidad & Tobago move to the appointment of General Fatusa to the Security Council of the UIN. He is a forward looking leader with the perspective the world needs.
Camastan 2nds this motion. 47 countries immediately support and demand his appontment to the Security Council. The Gator State might object to the appointment, but they have withdrawn from the UIN. Although all the paperwork has not been submitted yet by the Gators.
The French announce that a boomer nuclear submarine that just arrived after their 2.5 month patrol, is being sent back out the day after tomorrow for increased deterrence. Usually the French boomers remain in port for a month prior to another patrol. The glorious Republic of France supports the program for World Peace with the UIN and the World Tax. Portugal is also in favor. Spain is against. .

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Post by 7.62 »

Balzac calls for moderation by the member States.
The UIN is meant to be means to defuse tensions between them and not be the issue that divides them to the point of conflict.

As a strong supporter of the ideals of the UIN charter, Balzac implores that the funding problems be settled in a peaceful way.
The UIN has always been financed by a mix of both assessed and voluntary contributions.
Until there is general agreement on the way forwards Balzac is forced to withhold it's considerable voluntary portion of said funding.

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Post by Guroburov »

The People's Republic of G has nothing but respect for the independent minded Gator State. We would expel the diplomatic mission from the imperialist war-mongers of the Commonwealth of Chrisdom but our founder, in his infinite wisdom, barred them from establishing such a mission in the first place. We will resist their aggression wherever we should be forced to meet it.

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Post by 7.62 »

Balzac is monitoring these events with concern.
Although far removed from the area of activity, the BSDF is updating the Government as required.

The BSDF has a small training team and military detachment in Yer Bouti which is in the general area of some of these member States.
Yer Bouti is a very small Country, no more than a set of tribal lands. Often overlooked and lacking in resources it has been a back water for many years.
It's coastal location however is near to a natural choke point that has only become relevant in recent years.

Yer Bouti would benefit from the change in this tax, it's GDP per capita is very low.
However it is much more concerned about it's much larger bellicose neighbors in the area. Also how it may effect the social order in what is an under developed State.

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Post by chrisswim »

The Commonwealth Ambassador to the UIN spoke later this afternoon in regards to the misguided comments by the PRG, 'G', we are not necessarily in favor of this nor against it. We need more info on the actual proposal, the details.
Furthermore, the UIN exists to solve problems and discussion is always needed with information to be evaluated. The Commonwealth has a concern that Fatusa has attained the Presidency of West Africa 6 months after leaving Tunisadom to avoid capture and trial. Even though Fatusa is in favor of this does not necessarily void any benefit of the program to the world and its citizens.
At this time the Commonwealth and always wants peace (except when we wanted to invade Algeria), We are maintaining our peaceful disposition in the Ministry of State and the Foreign Affairs Dept. We have not plans to elevate our military alerts and response time. ;
The Commonwealth is delighted to continue to trade with Balzac Republic, and we are looking forward to welcoming the MV Horton in port upon its arrival with goat meat and milk. I understand, even though I as Ambassador to the UIN, we are exchanging some military equipment. All of it is supposed to be a streamline of equipment. No new military capabilities or enhancements will be achieved.
I hope as Ambassador, that I have cleared up the inflammatory comments by G. That cooler heads will prevail. Thank you.

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Post by 7.62 »

Yer Bouti is reporting protests by some opposition groups in support of the new tax proposed by General Fatusa.
The small towns of the North West boarder area seem to be the most vocal.
Yer Bouti city has seen no gatherings but a rally has been called by the opposition for Tuesday.

Chris the MV Tim Horton is due to depart Balzac in the next day or two with a substantial shipment of 4x4 and 8x8 "commercial" vehicles for the CofC. A two day stop over in Yer Bouti has been added to the outbound route.

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Post by panzergator »

For General Fatusa,

The Gator State doesn't care whether it is one percent or one cent, the Gator State will resist the imposition of a tax, for whatever purpose, by a super-national organization that is NOT endowed with governmental powers, as it will resist any effort of the UIN to BECOME a government rather than a forum instituted for the discussion and resolution of international issues. That charter DOES NOT include the imposition of a damned tax.

The Gator State will not participate in any part of UIN as long as it arrogates for itself governmental powers over sovereign nations.

The Gator State has not offered combat to any nation or organization under any circumstances other than should that nation/organization (in this case, the UIN) seek to enforce an illegal tax on the Gator State, set foot on Gator State sovereign territory, seize or harm its representatives proceeding on lawful, friendly missions, with that end, or by any other means, trample its sovereign rights, people, or mission.

The Gator State adheres to the old Roman principle of "If you want peace, prepare for war!" As Captain Taggart liked to say, "NEVER GIVE UP! NEVER SURRENDER!" And as one of our junior NCOs told me from his cupola, "Well Sir, we've said it before; 'If they mean to have a war, let it begin here!'" As for the weapons to be used, we will use EVERY MEANS WE HAVE! We aren't going to war to fight fair, we are going to war to WIN! So when you go back home and your wife catches you coming in after family curfew because you glowed a bit, you will have only yourselves to blame.

So, GENeral Fatuous, or whatever the hell your name is, my tank crews are quite excited at the opportunity to service any hard targets you wish to provide us.

For the rest of the member nations of the UIN who might be inclined to impose this tax, I suggest you consider your own interests in this matter and take a good, hard look at that camel's nose sneaking under your tent flap before you offer yourselves up to my tank crews, who will be quite glad of your sacrifice. At the very least, I suggest you have a large tumbler of MYOB with dinner tonight. It may be your last chance. Or your last meal.

Should you err in your decision, we eagerly anticipate your arrival!

All blessings flow from a good mission statement.
Pogo was right. So was Ike.
"A Gentleman is a man who is only rude intentionally." (Churchill)
Give credit. Take responsibility.

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Post by 7.62 »

Yer Bouti.
Protests have continued for a second day in some of the smaller boarder towns and villages.
The area Gendarmerie believe outside elements are promoting their view of this tax and it is playing to the considerable number of Tunisadom refugees that have settled in the area.

Most of the population in Yer Bouti City are more involved in a local football final.

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Post by 7.62 »

The MV Tim Horton has left the Balzac port and is transiting Canadian waters to the East for the Atlantic crossing to the CofC.
Loading was delayed due to poor weather with almost Arctic conditions and a -31 windchill.
Manifest for CofC shows 74 4x4's and 43 8x8's aboard, expecting a 10 day or so transit.

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Post by chrisswim »

I may have to sortie a sub or two long with a destroyer to ID and protect the MV Horton.
We are not really a blue water navy. The Commonwealth is able to work in the blue, even work in the deep blue. But not stay and hang out in the deep blue.
Mick, if your satellite gets any pics of my ships, post them, if you would like.

Yer bouti, is becoming a HOT spot. It is south of Morrocodom. Dang too hot and toooo close for comfort. Probably what General Fatusa wants, cause problems and over-take a country. He is ruthless apparently. He is accused to shooting his wife. although he blames the CCIA (Commonwealth of Chrisdom Intelligence Agency) of the CCBI (Commonwealth of Chrisdom Bureau of Investigation) for his wife's death. Evidence was uncovered that implicated him. But the the CCIA and CCBI (the keystone cops) have not been able to locate him successfully.
Maybe we need to insert some Spys, excuse me, pardon me, Agents into Yur Bouti. Isn't just south of Moroccodom? Is it the major orifice or port of West Africa? Let me know if you have an leads on General Fatusa and his where abouts.
It appears that the LPD, sister ship to the USS New York and San Diego is experiencing great progress. Crews are working 24/7 while it is in the shipyard. Then the crews will put maximum effort on the CCS Illustrious. The Illustrious will have an air wing of F-35, AV-8B, and helos. The rumor of the CCS flyin YAK VTOL is just a rumor, and a bad one at that.

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Post by panzergator »


You have accused me of grandstanding. One cannot afford to "grandstand" in such matters. The issue of liberty and sovereignty is too important for nonsense. I offer neither threat nor warning. That Fatuous general accused me of warmongering and all manner of misdeed. The only thing I am saying in response is that the Gator State will defend its sovereignty to the utmost. Send those two M60A2s on down to collect your tax in the morning and they will be in my motor pool in the afternoon wearing my camouflage and carrying my crews.

Just look at yourself. You first propose a 1% flat tax across the board to all members, then modify who will and will not be subject to it, and THEN, because Putinville makes so much in oil revenue, decide that, rather than 1%, Putinville will be subject to a FIVE percent tax instead! What happened to 1% across the board? You HYPOCRITE! These are wild, arbitrary decisions made by ONE individual on behalf of an organization that is not empowered to tax its members in the first place.

While it is in the nature of a bureaucracy to expand in all facets of its existence, it is the responsibility of the polity to limit, rescind, and deny it the unlimited expansion and powers it arrogates to or seizes for itself, whatever excuse it gives as justification.

This is a general announcement and not an address to the UIN assembly. As long as the UIN or any other entity propose to impose an illegal and unjustified tax or any other instrument upon the Gator State, the Gator State will VIGOROUSLY RESIST. And as well-trained as our forces are, we always appreciate some free target practice. If you and the UIN, which, apparently is just a puppet agent of Chrisdom with the purpose of filling your coffers, insist on this tax, well, as they say on The Price is Right, "COME ON DOWN!" And bring your grandstand!
All blessings flow from a good mission statement.
Pogo was right. So was Ike.
"A Gentleman is a man who is only rude intentionally." (Churchill)
Give credit. Take responsibility.

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Post by 7.62 »

Yer Bouti.
Today's protest in the capital city passed off peacefully with almost as many police as protesters, just a few hundred.
Elsewhere the boarder town of Tat twin has seen it's third day of civil protest with the municipal building again besieged by residents.
Local police have issued instructions for them to disperse.

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Post by 7.62 »

Yer Bouti, Tat Twin. Wednesday 00.30
Reports of gunfire in the town. Fires burning in two different areas.

Last edited by 7.62 on Fri Mar 31, 2017 8:20 am, edited 1 time in total.

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