Republic of Dalmatia Imagi-Nation

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Post by MechCommander »

The 16th Corps movement into Bulgaria has been halted completely due to damage done to the tracks by EE Spetsnaz units, even though we did save the bridge, the order was given to stop the trains until the Track is repaired, guards will be posted in case the Spetsnaz try again.

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Post by Hoth_902 »

Associated Press

07:00 am.

At 6:00 AM this morning, RPNW Delegates called an emergency session of the Peace Conference in Helsinki. Shortly after, the RPNW Delegates were seen leaving the conference. When asked questions, the RPNW Delegate responded that early this morning, EE troops stormed the Ukraine Border. This was followed by Special forces assaults in Poland where the RPNW was training with Polish forces.

King 5 News

08:00 am.

We now break away from our normally scheduled program to bring you a message from Olympia.

RPNW President
Johnathan Conway

"Today I address you under a dark cloud of war. Hours ago, the EE unleashed an unprovoked attack upon the Ukrainian people. Not satisfied with simply violating the sovereignty of there neighbors, they sent special forces into regional powers in an attempt to widen this conflict. As a result, the RPNW was left with no choice but to respond in kind. In conjunction with the arm forces of the CofC and New Canada, RPNW forces have crossed into Ukraine in an effort to help defend the Ukrainian people. At this moment, Fighter aircraft and ground forces have begun operations in an effort to blunt the spears of our enemies. Furthermore, we sent a message to the Turkish government to deny the EE access to their ports and military facilities> In addition, all ships much return to port for the remainder of this conflict. If they do not comply, a sizable amphibious force has moved into the Mediterranean Sea to assist as necessary. We did not ask for this conflict but we will not sit by and watch oppression of an independent nation." Thank you and good night.
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Post by chrisswim »

Another brigade of CoC armor, just after exiting RoRo and transported from Constanta, Rom. to Outside Galati, Rom. By 10 miles.


All major bridges and railroad bridges are to have a security detail. A platoon of infantry and two MBT, TD, and/or 2-3 armored cars, possibly jeeps. AD and AT weapons. This has been the case for days to a week.
. Movement northeast has begun into Moldova-Dom. Recon, Cav and engineers, followed my logistics. OH- 6 helicopters move out the the NE.
. 8th Nigerian Armored Div is setting up transition since all have arrived near Lasi.

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Post by MechCommander »

The 16th corps is now on the move again after spending hours repairing the tracks damaged by the Spetsnaz units yesterday, however the UH-1s would not return to provide escort as they are still busy transporting infantry.

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Post by chrisswim »

Chasing Spatnez teams in Romania on the group and with AH-1 Cobra which has 20mm 3-barrel Gatling gun, was able to rip a few bad guys apart. Flares were being shot-off to avoid SAM Man-pads. Other AH were at distance of several miles firing the laser targeting Hellfire missile as a few men took cover, two died and one was wounded, he was captured. Questioning was taking place quickly. Why were Spatnez teams in Romania, in Bulgaria, and Moldova? Video recording some of which was release to the press.
. Call to NATO by Romania-dom, Bulgaria-dom and Moldova-dom to engage against EE. Calling for violation of NATO response against EE.
NATO Military Commane
NATO Commanding General order response brigade to deploy. The single airborne battalion to Poland along with the mixed armored battalion, while the mixed infantry battalion to Slovakia.
11th Armored Div has been ordered by 5 Corps to begin movement to head northeast to be north of Odessa, Ukraine.
Ports along the Black Sea sortie frigates into the sea. S-3 flights of 4 spread out by about a mile. Each armed with sonor buoys, Mk46 torpedo and Harpoon. 4 P-3 also sortie out armed with buoys, 3 Mk 46 and 3 Harpoon.
Another convoy of 12 ships, 3 frigates, 2 DDGs, 2 LCS and 5 cargo ships. SH-60 R airborne dipping sonars and dropping buoys

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Post by panzergator »

Chrisswim cannot speak for NATO, which coops NATO agency. NATO will NOT respond to this attack. Membership as a dom in COFC NULLIFIES NATO membership, as COFC is not a NATO member. What's more, these doms invited extra-national military forces into their borders, forces which had an expressed intent to wage war against EE. NATO ain't gonna pull your chestnuts out of a fire you created and deliberately sat down in. Stupid is as stupid does. You did u. As NC likes to say, "You're ON YOUR OWN!"

You guys have just been caught in the blast radius of your own stupidity. You talked yourself into a war and you will just have to run what you brung. The rest of the world is not obligated to bail you out.
All blessings flow from a good mission statement.
Pogo was right. So was Ike.
"A Gentleman is a man who is only rude intentionally." (Churchill)
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Post by MechCommander »

You know Panzer's got a point there, NATO will only react if once of THEIR member nations gets attacked, and last time I checked Ukraine is not a NATO member, so in other words, We ARE on our own.
Last edited by MechCommander on Thu May 28, 2020 9:51 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by panzergator »

What BS!
All blessings flow from a good mission statement.
Pogo was right. So was Ike.
"A Gentleman is a man who is only rude intentionally." (Churchill)
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Post by chrisswim »

Oh no. PG, you are wrong once again. Romania-Dom, Bulgaria-Dom, Moldova-Dom, Monacodom, did not do anything to instigate military action. It was strictly EE wanting to take the Crimea. New Canada did not initiate it, PRNW did not. Nor the people of Ukraine.
Additionally, if EE is able to they may attack Poland, Belarus, Latvia, etc., then move into Germany. We see that you have fallen for the propaganda of the EE.
PG, how are your chestnuts?

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Post by panzergator »

Your forces moved into those areas before EE made any move to advance further into Crimea. That move instigated a response in EE. YOU poked the bear with aggressive movement of forces. EE had given no indication it intended to move on any more territory, overtly or covertly. You are the instigators of this mess, looking for an excuse to fight. The EE advance was a COMPLETELY PREDICTABLE response to CofC and it's allies occupation.

Well, you succeeded. But you and your buds will have to handle it by yourselves. There was no necessity of action until you made one up.

Mech's accusation that NATO may help EE in this simply demonstrates his ignorance of how all this works and explains a lot about why you are in the fix you're in. BUT YOU knew better and jumped in anyway. Better hop to it and pay attention to your front or you'll lose your... Well, your behind The Russkis are stealing a match on ya already.
All blessings flow from a good mission statement.
Pogo was right. So was Ike.
"A Gentleman is a man who is only rude intentionally." (Churchill)
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Post by chrisswim »

PG drinking a brand of cool-aid by EE.
CoC did not put any military equipment in non Commonwealth or NATO member country.
You sir, are welcome to think as you wish ... as you do.
Last edited by chrisswim on Thu May 28, 2020 2:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Hoth_902 »

Actually I did. Poland. However, I did not get the memo on how close to reality this needed to be.
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Post by panzergator »

You, collectively, did, as in you and your allies, in concert. NATO HOPES you have not endangered the countries you have stationed into this, but you likely have provided EE all the justification it needs to include them in the harm you have induced. As usual, you lost control of circumstances the moment you committed troops. This action has been irresponsible from the start.
All blessings flow from a good mission statement.
Pogo was right. So was Ike.
"A Gentleman is a man who is only rude intentionally." (Churchill)
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Post by chrisswim »

NATO is not any more worried with location of PRMW,, CoC or NC forces.
Concerned with EE and their aggressive military activities.
I did not know PG was a member of NATO.
Several members of CoC are members of NATO, too. The US is a member of NATO and other alliances such as military, politically and economically.

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Post by panzergator »

The specific dom membership is what precludes NATO membership. Being subordinate to CofC, they must do its bidding, and NATO will not be drawn into conflict by CofC's direct and/or indirect action. Likely it was CofC's plan all along to extort others into your misadventure. Whatever CofC's misimpression, NATO prefers to retain its prerogatives for action against EE at a time and place of its choosing, not CofC's. NATO cannot and will not become your agent. Not realistic to suppose it would act any other way. That is the only course open to it if it wishes to prevent this misbegotten expedition of CofC's alliance from escalating unreasonably.

GS is NOT a member of NATO. GS is in daily consultation with it and several member nations. GS is doing CofC the favor of outlining NATO's position, lest CofC become discomforted by the surprise of not getting support it had no reason to expect in the first place.

CofC must act within the parameters of its authority. Exceeding its limits may bring consequences it would prefer not to suffer. CofC and it's allies have sufficient forces to accomplish their ends, unless they decide to go to Moscow, in which case they will likely find themselves standing beside Napoleon and Hitler. CofC and it's allies have already risked CofC's populations and those of others. CofC and it's allies have done enough damage.
All blessings flow from a good mission statement.
Pogo was right. So was Ike.
"A Gentleman is a man who is only rude intentionally." (Churchill)
Give credit. Take responsibility.

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